I got that when I opened my launcher too, I believe it's just some hotfixes. Not gonna bot without any confirmation anyway.
I opened 1 wow and started the bot went to open my second client then it said i needed a patch Should not of closed my first client.
well i trust these guys are on it. never had a problem yet myself. if you're not sure. wait. maybe safer.
Just for everybody's future reference, a hotfix (at least whenever Blizzard uses it) is when changes happen on a live system. In Blizzard's case this happens whey they adjust something on the server, and the client goes on as if nothing had happened. That said, sometimes server reboots are needed to put the hotfixes into effect. Since we had to download something, this does not qualify as a hotfix.
^ incorrect, a hotfix is a patch that doesn't require an actual patch download, it can still be a minor download, we never upgraded to a new version of wow, it's still a hotfix.
Warden doesn't not need a patch to update it can be updated at any time while you have Warcraft running, a patch could contain software detection code but Im sure at some point some one in the know will mention it from their lofty cloud.