Yeah. Support for this one is a little disappointing. I hate to pay for another Shaman routine though since I already paid for this one. His druid routine gets updated 3 times a day though (guess what class he plays...)
The Tuanha premiuum version seems to be using Chain lightning occasionally on single targets - it shouldn't be as far as I'm aware.
anyone care to share resto settings? be entirely grateful im trying to get my own but im struggling :/ cheers in advance
Settings for what? Questing, dungeon, raid, pvp? I find the presets work for most things. I just turn off CD usage and cast those manually.
haha yeah sorry my bad, for pve raiding, ive tried normal settings + using cd's myself, maybe im jsut bad but im struggling to get the numbers up my healing 'slider' is perfect for at + 5, i dnt run oom, but i cnt hit higher than 22k HPS, 638 Ilvl, maybe im over thinking it ive had no complaints form guildies but they have similar gear and hitting 30k hps easy
I am ilvl 648 Resto shaman and I do 22k hps with tuanha's bot ( paid version ) which is terrible, (i must do at least 35k+ hps), tuanha, can you fix the problems in the bot? thanks
Im 534 and have hit 30k+ with default settings......i really think it depends on raid comp......if you have a lot of shielders(pally/disc priest) your hps will suffer. Also know the fights and know when to blow cooldowns.......its as simple as that really.
Seems most people are using this for raiding. Anyone using this for resto in arena? Curious if it's my settings or just the CR performing bad in PvP/Arena.
1. Resto shaman is good but it is not Mana efficient... I run out of mana so quickly. (for mana efficiency I recommend some spells which takes the most mana to use beyond certain mana %.) 2. I wanted max 5 riptides (including tanker and me), the bot is riptiding the whole raid. 3. Tanker must be prio. Thank you
I am ilvl 668 Resto shaman and I do 28k hps with tuanha's bot ( paid version ) which is terrible, (i must do at least 35k+ hps), tuanha, can you fix the problems in the bot? thanks
That's good to hear at least. I guess I could give up playing resto and play enhancement. Really want to heal though.
What is the optimal talents for Resto using the default raid settings? any tweaks? (Using paid version)
pulling 35k healing is really hard when the raid is over 80% hp.. our mastery just doesnt help us as much when theres disc priests etc in the raid.. I always pull ahead when the raid is taking actual damage ( korag heroic etc) I manage cooldowns my self
Version 6.0.5491 Added Full DR Tracker System, CR no longer stun or repentance target that immune We are now 1st step on PvP for WoD Added Smart Interrupt Cooldown Tracker and Juke logic for PvP. (Auto Activate in Arena/BG so there's no setting needed) When there's enemy unit that can interrupt around, CR will randomly try to Cast Healing Surge (random interval 1-3 seconds) and StopCasting right away (randome between 300-500ms) to trick enemy using Pummel, Kick, Counter-Shot... CR also never try to Juke/Stop Casting if you are under uninterrupted aura including: - Zen Focus - Enchanted Bark - Devotion Aura - Divine Shield - Spiritwalkers Aegis The logic soon will be added to other Healing Class as well.
Hi guys, New Honorbuddy Version is up and we have an update too Version 6.0.5491 New build compartible with new Honorbuddy 2.5.12600.764 Optimization and bug fix