Hey guys, Just wondering if you get caught botting (by blizzard), do you get instantly banned or a warning first? An un-reliable "contact" of mine said he got 3 warnings prior to his perma ban...but I don't know. Anyone here with actual experience or knowledge of this? Thanks a lot and take care
Now that's just silly then isn't it.. If you do get a "bad" GM which bans you, is there a way to recover? Or is it just too late.
Most bot bans are as result of player reports; that said, if you don't make yourself blatantly obvious you can, in theory, avoid most bans (minus waves). Ban theory, as far as where to avoid and how to avoid, is handled in its own little forum ... and most mods will move/close your post if we begin a discussion here. I'd suggestion heading on over to Ban Reports and thumb through some of the threads - here In short, however, you can dispute your ban multiple times ... and each GM is different as to their sympathy/tolerance level. I have been told, in short, "No" to a ban removal ... called back and had the ban removed within the hour simply due to getting a different person on the line.
People report other people for cheating all the time "Omg hes just going back and forth" but if a GM isnt there, they cant prove it. Always a possibility to get banned regardless though, so just be prepared to be heart broken.