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  • How to stop HB from selling my stuff?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by GiganteX, Jan 13, 2015.

    1. GiganteX

      GiganteX New Member

      Jan 12, 2015
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      So I put HB to work on leveling a 90 I have, by questing.
      Lots of vanity stuff and lowlevel gear in his bags that I planned on keeping.
      Checked on him after a few hours and a lot of the stuff was gone.
      I could buyback some of it, but not all.

      How can I prevent that from happening again? I can't seem to find an option
      about vendoring in the UI?
      BR, Gigante.
    2. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      Righto, here we go.

      Item Restoration by Blizzard - here
      ProtectedItems.xml - Open your Honorbuddy folder and you'll see the file within the main directory.

      Once the file is open, you can add in your little ditties that you do not want it to sell.
      To acquire the Item ID, mosey on down to wowhead (click here), type in the item and load the page.
      Once the page is loaded, in the address bar you will see the ItemID within the address (item=######).

      It will look something like this:

      wowhead link: Lovely Apple - Item - World of Warcraft
      Item: Lovely Apple
      itemID: 79267

      ProtectedItems XML:
      <Item Name="Lovely Apple" Id="79267" />
      Additionally, there are plugins which handle this type of thing.
      MrItemRemover allows the facilitation of rules set for bag items.
      In particular, for your request, there is is a "Protected" list where you may add specific items you do not wish the bot to make go bye bye.

      All good?
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
    3. GiganteX

      GiganteX New Member

      Jan 12, 2015
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      Thanks for the quick response! :)

      That item restoration link was great! Will bookmark that.. ;) All my stuff is back!

      ProtectedItems.xml, are my changes not removed next time that file is updated?

      There are quite a lot of items I wish to keep. Can I tell it to never vendor
      anything except grey stuff?
    4. Shyoden

      Shyoden New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Gigante, I have raised this issue several times after I noticed way too late that it deleted Kafa Presses, vanity items, important things I wanted to keep, off of several toons. The best of responses were kind of in the same vein as Mellome's, which for me did not help, as you can only perform a restoration on one toon every 30 days. In essence, my things are gone. The next 'best' suggestion I received was 'put your things in the bank before starting bot up'. On another note, since the profiles do not exist on your system but are being streamed (if you are using Kick's), you cannot manually edit them any longer. 0.o
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
    5. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      This plugin might be easier than going through the ProtectedItems.xml.
      I included both options just in case you found yourself wanting to know how it works.

      There are always some things that the plugin doesn't always pick up, in which it is good to know how to do it manually.

      - Yes you'll have to save your additions into a new txt in addition to making your edits just so things don't get replaced with updates (though with the new backup feature I'm unsure if it will replace it entirely).
      - To my knowledge the only place you can distinguish between item weight (grey,white,green,blue,purple,orange) is in profile markup. I haven't ever attempted to place it anywhere else.

      You can open a support ticket, or tweak the settings for Blizzard Online chat to get a representative. Once you're there, assuming you didn't disenchant the item at the Garrison, the GM can restore pretty much anything. I've lost things that the Item Restoration didn't have listed and then had it returned via the rep. If they can restore deleted toons YEARS (and they can; you'll note the feature at the character selection menu) after deletion, with all items intact, they can restore your lost ditties.
      Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
    6. Shyoden

      Shyoden New Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      Thank you for the suggestion but really not viable as how do I explain that I just 'happened' to delete these items off of 3-4 toons? Doesn't seem very likely anyone not botting would do this.
    7. kirdd

      kirdd New Member

      May 5, 2014
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      Blaming addons would be the easiest route to go. Quite a lot of auto vendor addons out there and you just happened to have the one you are using set incorrectly. Trust me, the GMs have too many tickets to even think about why someone asking for an item restore wants the items back.

      They only really care if you ask for like 50 restores or so a year, one every now and then does not even register to them.

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