if we load that profile and the game starts in a5 ( its randomly i guess (time, ..whatever) ) the bot wants to go out of the town and cant find a1... ofc adventure mode means: bot cant find the way to fom if the game starts in adventure mode a5 ( and i cant choose since its not campaign)
Same issue as above. Was working fine today, no idea what happen, it doesn't go to the portal but it trys to run out of town in the survivor enclave. Fix : I had to update one of the waypoint. <UseWaypoint questId="1" waypointNumber="7" actorId="6442" z="2.796465" y="765.3394" x="557.5455"/>
Thanks so much for posting this fix. I was having the same problem and could not get this profile to work any more, even though it had been running for a couple days. The code in mine was in slightly different order, but your numbers did the trick to get me back up and running. Here's a copy of the line I changed. <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 270011"> <ForceTownRun questId="1" reason="Empty dem bags" /> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="557.5455" y="765.3394" z="2.796465" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="7" />
Works fine albeit with one snag. After each run, bot pauses and can't create new game. I get (in-game) error code 316611. So I have to 'start game' myself and bot starts the run again. If I could sort that out would be afk able as it doesn't get stuck anywhere on this open map.
Using this profile it runs out to the fields of misery then town portals, leaves the game then cant create a game. Can't seem to get it to do anything else.
Didn't take long for more errors to show up. I get the same problem it goes to survivor's, now I'm back to square one.