Good job Tony this is a picture of what all of your gathering profiles came up with from lvl 1-300 in one days time without babysitting i might add. plus rep!
Thanks alot Tony the profiles helped me level and were perfect apart from the char kept getting stuck on a tree in the bottom left bit of the map on a big tree and flew into a horde bit once or twice Edit: Pic to show you what i meant amazing paint skills ;P
Yup Your profiles leveled me to 300 in one day thanks alot! The "getting stuck in the big ass tree" in this profile was the only bug i could find.
Seems like a great profile, only issue I'm having is flying into the huge tree in The Tainted Forest.
you are welcome mate yep i know about that tree but its not a big issue,cause i think that no one gonna use this profile for farming but only to lvl up skills thx for reporting tho