I bought a key about a week ago, I have been using it for a week. It works right now. However its not listed in buddyauth therefore I cannot use the buddy store. How do I fix this? I need this to work; otherwise my time that I paid for is just being wasted. Can someone please answer this post?
Anyone have an answer for this? The bot is completely useless to me right now because I cant use the ____ing Buddy store!
I have emailed support multiple times, and ive requested help in this forum. If I dont get an answer I am going to reverse the charges to paypal and file a grievance. This is beyond ridiculous, I have had this key for over a week. Its NOT ATTACHED TO MY BUDDYAUTH ACCOUNT THUS MAKING THE WHOLE DAMN KEY AND THE MONEY I PAID FOR IT USELESS!!!
when you registered for your buddyauth account, did you use the same e-mail that you used during checkout? if you did your key should of shown up. if you have a buddyauth account and your key is not there and it is in fact the correct e-mail address. then e-mail support@thebuddyforum.com with your key and request it be bound to whatever buddyauth account your using. keep in mind this has to be done manually and e-mail responses arent instant, it will sometimes take up to 72 hours for a response.