I've got this working with Boxcar - first and only one I've tried so far. I would like it however, if you could add some push notifications for when you kill another player in BG's "I kiled XXX" Also, at the end of the BG, saying how many Honor and Conquest Points you earned "I earned 100 HP and 10 CP that round" Other ideas, how many people you killed would be nice also. Achievements should pop up with either the description (not just the ID) or with a link to the WoW head page if possible. Would it be impossible to implement some of these ideas?
Yes and no not sure about the battleground ones - have to check the events. But currently the interface needs to be changed to allow for more advanced input.
I have helped with formatting and spelling on Github. I hope it is possible for some of my suggestions. One error I have found is that it says "Achievement Earned: ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED" and not the actual title of it.
Hi there, anybody able to get pushbullet working? All I get is: Code: PushBullet Notification failed, Status Code: BadRequest. Description: Bad Request I added the api key from the pushbullet site and the device and selected true for enable. Regarding the device there are 2 possibilities here but I tried both and neither worked (Samsung SM-G900F, SM-G900F) not sure how important that is. To me it sounds like my api key or device dont match the data and thats why its a bad request? I am pretty suire that i got it right though.
400 Bad Request - Usually this results from missing a required parameter. I think it's an error I've to fix on my end. Most likely a wrong param set being sent.
Release Pushed out a new version, awaiting store approval before it goes live. Changelog: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
Hey Mirabis, Thanks for looking into it and adding a new check however all i get now is: PushBullet Notification failed, Status Code: BadRequest. Description: Bad Request - Response: Response being blank
I'm afraid I dont know where i'd even set a client ID, settings xml below with token removed, have i missed something? [HIDE] Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MySettings> <CheckTriggerList>True</CheckTriggerList> <Push_Pushover>False</Push_Pushover> <Push_Pushalot>False</Push_Pushalot> <Push_Pushbullet>True</Push_Pushbullet> <Push_Toasty>False</Push_Toasty> <Push_Prowl>False</Push_Prowl> <Push_NMY>False</Push_NMY> <Push_Boxcar2>False</Push_Boxcar2> <BoxCar2_Token></BoxCar2_Token> <BoxCar2_Device></BoxCar2_Device> <BoxCar2_Sound>no_sound</BoxCar2_Sound> <Pushover_Sound>Pushover</Pushover_Sound> <Pushalot_Token></Pushalot_Token> <Pushalot_Important>False</Pushalot_Important> <Pushalot_Silent>False</Pushalot_Silent> <NMY_Token></NMY_Token> <NMY_Priority>Normal</NMY_Priority> <Pushover_Priority>Normal</Pushover_Priority> <Prowl_Priority>Normal</Prowl_Priority> <Pushbullet_Token>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</Pushbullet_Token> <Toasty_DeviceID></Toasty_DeviceID> <Prowl_Token></Prowl_Token> <Prowl_ProviderKey></Prowl_ProviderKey> <Pushbullet_Device>SM-G900F</Pushbullet_Device> <Pushover_Token></Pushover_Token> <Pushover_UserKey></Pushover_UserKey> <Pushover_Device></Pushover_Device> <ON_Start>True</ON_Start> <ON_Stop>True</ON_Stop> <ON_MapChanged>True</ON_MapChanged> <ON_QuestAccepted>True</ON_QuestAccepted> <ON_ProfileChanged>True</ON_ProfileChanged> <ON_LevelUp>True</ON_LevelUp> <ON_Death>True</ON_Death> <ON_Achievement>True</ON_Achievement> <ON_BGLeft>True</ON_BGLeft> <ON_BGJoined>True</ON_BGJoined> <ON_Emote>True</ON_Emote> <ON_Whisper>True</ON_Whisper> <ON_Bnet>True</ON_Bnet> <ON_GuildMessage>True</ON_GuildMessage> <ON_SayMessage>True</ON_SayMessage> <ON_PartyMessage>True</ON_PartyMessage> <ON_BGMessage>True</ON_BGMessage> <ON_OfficerMessage>True</ON_OfficerMessage> <ON_Gamemastermessage>True</ON_Gamemastermessage> <ON_Disconnect>True</ON_Disconnect> <ON_Trademessage>True</ON_Trademessage> <ON_Raidmessage>True</ON_Raidmessage> <ON_Yellmessage>True</ON_Yellmessage> <ON_Addonmessage>True</ON_Addonmessage> <LastStatCounted>1422227160</LastStatCounted> </MySettings> [/HIDE]
Don't know why you're looking in the XML files..On HB, click Plugins, make sure PushHub is ticked, then press the Settings button at the bottom of the menu. Now will have a new window open up, all you need to do here is press Settings again to fill in the form that way (Much more user friendly). EDIT:
Appreciate the mini guide, I'm only posting the xml file because I did use the plugin UI originally (tested other options) and thought maybe I added something through it and thus that may be interfering.
Few things I have found: Achievement still says ACHIEVEMENT_EARNED The edit I was working on to test, was some how merged (Not sure how!?) so now it doesn't display map names correctly (Example: it says arg.mapOldname to arg.mapNewname. It should be {0} and {1} if I'm not mistaken?) Links display as ["Open" Link], when it should be "Open" [LINK] Battle net message some times come up as Whisper from [insert lots of random letters and numbers] All I have so far. I have requested changes on Github.
I can not get pushbullet to work, i get a Bad Request error. i have my api key, i have my device set to Chrome and have it enabled. second question, filter on/off button, when is it on and when is it off? EDIT; from the API doc Also the returned error json might include the actual type and message.
Last two issues are a bit harder to fix / need to remap the bnet name to actual name and for link... I think that's the providers doing.
I will test that out, and i will upload a log later. Edit after test: So not setting a device worked, i will try to find the correct device name