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  • The bot coroutine has finished in a state of Faulted

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Support' started by Topic, Jan 27, 2015.

    1. Topic

      Topic New Member

      Jan 26, 2015
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      Could use some support. I can attach more logs if needed. Im not sure if its the same issue. But it has been happening ever since the last two HB Updates. It has never done this before. I also tried to reinstall a fresh copy and it still continued.

      The Bot can stop at random times usually within 13 games but usually less than 6 and never more than 35 lately. usually during the game aswell. I think the bot is having a hard time thinking what to do on its turn as I watch it nearly run out of time before it decides to do something.

      Thanks I hope I attached the LOG TXT appropriately

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