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  • [BotBase] FishingMaster - Full Fishing Automation and even More!

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by @alisha, Jan 27, 2015.

    1. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Short links:


      Get access on BuddyStore (づ.◕‿‿◕.)づ・。*。✧・゜゜・。✧。*・゜゜・✧。・ ゜゜・

      • Free Trial for 2 Days before Buy! Login Your BuddyStore Account
        -> Hit Trial Button
        on Product Page FishingMaster

      • You Can Refund Product in 7 Days After Buying
        But be aware - all refunds are permanent

        This mean you Never be able to repurchase in future

        Please consider to seek assistance before refunding products



      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
    2. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Suggest Idea!
      Take part in the development of the FishingMaster!

      Happy to said, Idea & Issue Service for FishingMaster available: ==>> Support Trello Issue & Idea Service << ==

      Want some option or feature to be added? Can't find needed functionallity?
      Post your idea and vote others! I will implement most voted things first!


      NEW! Skype Support Group for FishingMaster users
      Glad to say, that I created new conversation group in Skype for FishingMaster users.
      If you an user of GarrisonBot and want to get help and communicate with other FishingMaster users for talking about improvements of FishingMaster or issue's, you can join our Skype Group.
      How to join: PM me with providing your skype NickName.

      UpComing Versions Beta Testing - Searching for Active Beta Testers

      Since there many people that want to participate in FishingMaster beta testing and i have limited by HB invitation count,
      to obtain beta tester account PM me and provide extended information how you can be helpful in testing?

      Requirements for testers: 2+ Characters 90-100 lvl (Preferred Alliance and Horde). Love Fishing :eek:

      The advantage to be Beta Tester:
      • You have a chance to make suggestions for improvement of the FishingMaster BotBase, the majority of which will be realized if the most of people using FishingMaster are interested in your proposed solution or I find this feature perspective.
      • Get access to the latest version faster than any other, before it officially Released!
      • And also - most active and helpful Beta Testers can gain FishingMaster key for free!

      /人 ◕‿‿ ◕人\ [ >>Alisha's BUG Tracker << ] - Please submit your bugs and issue you have here!

      >> PM me with your Skype login to Join Beta & Support Skype group for All My HB Products <<

      Frequently asked questions

      Q: How to get Trial?
      A: Go to BuddyStore, Login into Your Account, Open Product Page, Hit Trial Button! :)

      Q: Can i refund Product after buy if i do not want it more?
      A: Yes, of course. You can refund Your product in 4 days After buy. But be aware its permanent - you cant purchase it again ever. Its HB Store rules.

      Q: I bought the bot on buddystore but dont show up when i go to load scripts? :/ anyone help probs a dumb question im asking or doing something wrong
      A: Go to My Purchases on BuddyStore - set "Streaming On" for Fishing Master, Restart HB

      Q: I want you to add new feature \ option to be added to FishingMaster, which is: <describing of functionality>
      A: If you want some feature to be added - post it in Idea service i have for FishingMaster: FishingMaster IDEAs If it got voices, it will be added in upcoming builds.

      Q: Bot Not Working, What to Do?
      A1: Are you using Auto Fishing Mode? If so, Make Sure u not Started it in Azeroth, BC or Pandari. While you use Auto Fishing Mode, you should start FishingMaster in Any WoD Zone
      A2: If You use CR that try to put poison or something like that on Fishing Rode - it can be that case :) Disable this feature in CR or do not use Fishing rode

      Q: How can i auto level Cooking + Fishing with that? Cant find a option for that
      A: With Default Settings, In Cooking tab: Check Auto Cooking + research new recipes and, in Fishing Place: then check Auto Fishing -> profit :)

      Q: How do i get this thing to start cooking......?
      A: Check "Cooking automation" in Cooking tab, check needed recipe -> if you have this recipe and reagents - it will cook for you :)

      Q: I do not really know how to set it to fish for the turtle mount: "Sea Turtle" or does that happen by it self?
      A: You need to have lvl3 Fishing Hat, which you can get by checking Achievements settings "Draenor Angler", and then after you build it -> Fishing in Garrison Checkbox.
      More info about it you can get here: Frostdeep Cavedweller - NPC - World of Warcraft

      Q: Where are the setting to fish up minnows to call Cavedweller?
      A: To catch rare fish (Frostdeep Minnow / Lunarfall Carp ) for summon Frostdeep Cavedweller / Lunarfall Cavedweller, you need to have 3 lvl Fishing Hut. When you have it -> check in GUI "Garrison Fishing" - so you are ready to catch Sea Turtle and Riding Turtle Mounts! :)

      Q: Where are the setting to fish up for Lunkers
      A: For Lunkers - they have some random chance to catch in Any Draenor location (not in Garrison), after you got Nat Pagle as Follower, so you do not need special settings for this, just set Auto Fishing by Time. But you need to get Nat as follower.

      Q: When <Feature_Name> will be added?
      A: I am not giving any ETA, sorry :eek:. But if you want your feature be added more quickler - you can affect on it by adding it to Idea List (id not exists already) or to Vote for it, if already requested. More needed thing will be added sooner than other.

      Q: Have issue with loading Tiles forever
      A: Check This Page for Programs that can be cause of it. Also checkout solution of one of the users:

      Q: How to use this for Nat's Lucky Coins ONLY?
      A: WoD Lunkers Fishing for Nat's Coins HowTo:

      Once Nat is a follower, you can catch Lunkers without bait thanks to Angler. You can turn in a Lunker for a repeatable quest, which rewards Nat's Lucky Coin and some Nat Pagle friendship
      In 6.1, Lunkers can now be caught from fishing pools and have a higher chance to be caught with higher fishing skill.

      • Fishing Place Tab:
        • Fishing Place -> Auto
        • Choose: catch Fish only from Fishing Pools
      • Requirements Tab:
        • Do Fishing Until: Time Spend
        • Choose at right side type of meat you want to fish. Zone where you will be fishing for Lunkers depend on this, if you do not interested in meat, i'd recommend you to choose: Nagrand as it have more fishing ponds than other Zones.
      • Nat Pagle Tab:
        • Check "Turn In WoD Repeatable [Lunkers]"
      -> Profit :)

      Bug Reporting: /人 ◕‿‿ ◕人\ [ >>Alisha's BUG Tracker << ]
      • 1) Make sure you use clean HB install without any updates and files overwrites. (What is clean install: Article How to Do Clean Install)
        p.s. to be clear to make a HB clean install you do not need to delete any settings or files, you need just download a last release zip of HB and unzip it in new folder, where you will be checking (start HB from there when preparing report).
      • 2) You shouldn't copy any other plugins\routines to HB install to do test.
      • 3) Also with clean install recommended to delete those folders (those just mesh and sessions cache, no settings files):
        • - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bossland
        • - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bossland_GmbH
      • 4) in BuddyStore disable streaming of all other products (My products -> disable streaming), green (enable) status should be only for FishingMaster BotBase
        [*]5) Disable streaming for all other Products
        [*]6) Disable all WoW Addons.

        [*]7) Set LogLevel in HB Settings to Diagnostic
      • 8) If You use Singular CR, open Class GUI, got to Last Tab and set Log to "None" (it set to "File" by default and should be changes, case Singular do much spam in log).
      • 9) Run bot again and log the problem
      • 10) Reporting Issue: Login to Alisha's BugTracker
      • 11) Create new issue report, Provide full HB log file, you can found it in HB/Logs/Toon/file_name (order by date), you can do it by paste in pastebin.com, pastebin.org, dropbox etc
      • 12) Make description of your problem, when (on which conditions) it happens and why as you think
      • 13) If issue is stuck attach screenshots to better describe it (picture: Map location, and Toon Location).

      Instead of using forum post to report issue, please use Alisha's BugTracker -> "Add Issue Ticket",
      So its more easy to track Your particular issue that you have and fix it
      Also it will allow you find similar issue that users as you have and extend info for it, instead of posting new one.

      Which will help to decrease time to find out conditions when and why it happens.

      Thanks! :eek:
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    3. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      FishingMaster Custom Places mode is coming :cool:!


      Now you can setup any amount of your own Coordinates for Fishing in Azeroth, Pandaria, Draenor or Outland (Northland navigation not supported yet).

      In FishingPlace tab choose "Custom Places" mode and FishingMaster will auto navigate to your fishing place with Active state and will Fish there.


      Also it will still support change Fishing places after amount of time passed you entered in Change Fishing Place after, and it will choose next Active Fishing place to go :)
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      >> Need Help! :eek: <<

      Currently I am searching for Users who can Help me with Translation FishingMaster to different Languages :)

      If you know English good (you can translate from it), but its not your Native Language, and your Language not in List already taken for Translation Languages, please PM me with information to which Language you can do translation.

      • Have Native Language different from English
      • Know English good, to be able to do quality Translation
      • Do Translate using official polite words, to make it best for users :)

      Languages Done:
      • English by Alisha
      • German by django1991 (outdated, need update!)
      • French by @Charles Gelot

      We official started working on Multi Language Support for FishingMaster! :)

      So, please PM me What Language is your native and you want to translate it to, you will also be able to start as Beta-tester :eek:

      If you didn't found Your Country language in list - feel free to become Translator!

      Guide for those who want to help with Translations:

      Thanks for Helping, Mates! :p

      Coming next build:

      Change Log:
      *NEW* Auto Accept Resurrect
      *NEW* Auto prevent Suffocate, No more breathless!
      *NEW* Cooking Module!
      *NEW* Use "Bladebone Hook"
      Fix: AutoFacing Engine Improvement
      Fix: One Bait checked issue
      Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
    5. nate8282

      nate8282 Member Legendary

      Dec 4, 2011
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      looks very nice!
    6. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Thanks! :) Hope it will be useful!

      First Public release pushed and awaiting approval by HB Team :eek:
    7. Gigofar

      Gigofar Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      I will try this btw. Nice job dude.
    8. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Happy to Say, FishingMaster first Public Release approved and available from BuddyStore since now! :eek:
    9. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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    10. Valpsjuk

      Valpsjuk Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      Any chance of implementing garrison daily fishing quests into the bot?
    11. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      haven't planned it, but who knows :) If it will be very requested - can be done
      Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
    12. Valpsjuk

      Valpsjuk Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      Hope you'll do it then... no matter, still bought it, since it still gives more love than autoangler does at the moment, and seems to be no upgrades for it any time soon, 5 euro is definitly worth it :)
    13. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Thanks :eek: Cooking And Auto Fishing Place - coming soon! :cool:
    14. dimac

      dimac New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      Do you have a plan for farming Nat Paggle reputation in WOD? During this process players will earn coins for buying mount and pet from Nat. I think, it will be demanded functionality.
    15. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      yup i have :)

      You can also publish this idea in Trello: https://trello.com/c/KF2rKJR1/3-publish-your-idea-here
      to get Votes for it (most votes things will be implemented more quickly)
      Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
    16. riskywow

      riskywow New Member

      Jan 24, 2015
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      I 100% second or third or whatever this idea. Farming the coins is a pain and I would really love it if this was added.
    17. thedon19

      thedon19 Member

      Mar 4, 2010
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      Last edited: Jan 28, 2015
    18. raav88

      raav88 New Member

      May 26, 2014
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    19. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      This looks amazing. I just wanted to stop by and wish you success with this beautiful looking bot. I know these types of bots take a lot of time to invest. Cuddos to you!
    20. Solfyre

      Solfyre New Member

      Jan 7, 2012
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      The "coming soon" features sound promising! Thank you for putting this together.

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