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  • [Agil] [BETA] Gear optimizer, spiritbonder, and repair!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Neverdyne, Jan 24, 2015.

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    1. inferno124

      inferno124 New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Here's an update.

      I did a full 12 hours of testing on this. I made 15 full sets of SBing gear and set it up to grind an area. These are the things I've noticed from strictly watching. (I also DLed the new patch within the last 4 hours)

      1. The main weapon slot still cycles through and doesn't wait for 100% SB. All my weps that i went with are at the same percentage.
      2. The plugin will attempt to change gear too quickly after combat so it will give you the error "cannot change gear at this time". This then lead the an endless cycle of doing that until I have killed every mob in the area and give it enough time in between the 5 sec scan to equip new items (this was very difficult to do). Maybe you can implement something that will stop the combat routine for about 10 secs or so to get out of combat, equip items and then continue (obviously only if an item needs to be changed out, otherwise the wait time in between the 5 sec scans will be extremely long).
      3. Some slots seem to equip items that are already 100% SB, mainly i saw the helm slot do it. It wouldnt prioritize the Sb %.

      Besides that, everything is working perfectly!
    2. Yasuko

      Yasuko Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      Something I have noticed out of the past 100 or so items I have been SBing:

      I turned off the SB setting in the settings.. I'm going to continue using my plugin for the time being.. the two are working great together.
      Optimize gear is set to True and for the most part is doing very well.

      I changed Bard weights to be crafter gear since thats what I am sb'ing.

      It will SB just fine and my plugin will stop movement and convert the gear just fine.. but what I have noticed is that sometimes after it converts the gear, Agil is not replacing it with optimized gear from the inventory/armory.. In cases where things SB a couple at once, Agil will equip the other pieces, but not equip certain pieces.. I have found this to happen mostly with Gloves/Body/Feet/Necklace. Even letting it tick a few times for optimization it still fails to find any valid piece to use. This is just a small snippet of the log, since its been running all day mostly.. but it has what I am referring to in it.

      Log Snippet.
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
      Mutiple times Agil searched for gear and was unable to find any.. although there were many (of the exact) pieces in both armory and inventory. I had to manually equip them.. this happened a few times through out the day. I looked through the log and didnt see anything fishy.. so I just added the relevant section.
    3. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Thanks for the reports.

      1. I know what it is that causes the weapons to still cycle around, I'll fix it for the next update.
      2. @inferno, for No. 2, I'm assuming you're grinding from mob to mob right? Which means there's little time in between each fight. It's strange that Agil is trying to equip things while in combat, since there's a very clear check to avoid that. This means the game has some sort of delay compared to the API. The API thinks you're out of combat before the game lets you equip things. This is tricky to fix, I'll have to think of something, but not sure what.
      3. For the helm, are you sure the other unbound options were not below the minimum item level?

      @ Yasuko, according to the log there's two options: either there was nothing else to equip, or the best unbound item to equip was the same item already equipped. The only explanation to this I can think of is that when converting, the API thinks the item is still there. Would you mind making a quick experiment next time you see that happen? Could you run this on the console:

      var category = EquipmentSlot.Necklace;
      var items = InventoryManager.FilledInventoryAndArmory
                      .Where(s => s.Item.IsValidForCurrentClass)
                      .Where(s => s.Item.EquipmentSlots.CanTake.Contains(category))
                      .Where(s => s.Item.RequiredLevel <= Core.Me.ClassLevel)
      foreach(var item in items) {
      Logging.Write("Name: "+item.Name+" Bond: "+item.SpiritBond+" Slot: "+item.Slot);
      Change the "category" to whatever slot you're converting, then run this right after converting if you can and post it here, it should tell us if the API still thinks the converted item is equipped.
    4. Yasuko

      Yasuko Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      Absolutely, I will give that a try.

      Will be a bit as I exhausted all my mats.. but as soon as i get it up and going again I will let you know.
    5. inferno124

      inferno124 New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Yes, I have all the items the same items. I had 15 sets of the same items for each slot. Also, I am having the same problems as Yasuko as far as the items not being replaced.
    6. Yasuko

      Yasuko Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 3
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 4
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 6
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 7
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 8
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 9
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 10
      Name: Woolen Smock Bond: 0 Slot: 11
      Was doing it to other pieces but after 3 ticks of it looking, it equipped them. Also, is not verifying equipped before resuming combat.

      I have let it run for 5 minutes trying to equip the body piece, and its not doing it at all now.. Like the previous times, I will have to stop it and manually equip it.. As you can see above, I do have available pieces in armory.
    7. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Alright, I'll do some tests throughout the weekend and see what I can find.
    8. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      Not to nag, but do you have an ETA on when you plan on adding self-repair? :p
    9. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Well I got some work to do this weekend, so probably until late next week.
    10. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Alright so just to be clear, you guys are running OrderBot grinding mobs, and want to replace gear after each mob right? What I'm going to try is to have Agil pause the bot for a second after combat ends to check gear throughout that second, then continue. You'll see a one second pause between killing a mob and pulling the next one though. I will only allow this when using OrderBot since it doesn't make much sense in FateBot with its long downtime between fates. Hopefully this will resolve the issues.

      Can any of you give me the OrderBot profile you were using so I can test it out?
    11. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      You da best :p
    12. inferno124

      inferno124 New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      After 2 days of watching this go, I've noticed that I have been getting the error message "Cannot Change gear now" because the plug-in is constantly trying to equip my wep every scan it does (even during combat). As stated before, every scan, it will equip a new wep, cycling through my inventory to make it so that all the items are the essentially the same percentage.

      Also, I have noticed that sometimes the scans will miss certain item slots and it will say "no new prospect for (insert 2-12)" even though it has already reached 100% SB and I have other items in my armory/inventory to switch out. These slots are seemingly random, I haven't noticed that it missed any in particular yet, but it has happened to every slot except for the wep slot (and I havent checked the off-hand slot since I do not have one as a brd). But once it misses the scan, it wont change the item at all, I would have to manually switch them myself or it will remain that way (at least for 30 min or so...I have waited that long to see if the scan would eventually pick it up). I have noticed that it does miss the helm and last ring (both ring slot next to the soul crystal) quite often.

      Last thing I've noticed. The plug-in will attempt to equip new items when they are done...my log will say "X item has been equipped" but then I don't c them on my charc (the old one will remain). The items will remain there for a few more scans, then the plug-in will attempt again to re-equip the items and then it will work. Not sure if that is on the server side not registering the change or not.
    13. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Yup I'll try to fix the weapons thing today. The last part is something I've seen happen too. The problem is that I don't know what's causing it. When "X item has been equipped" is displayed, the moving of the item was performed since the log is right below the move API call. This means calling move in the API sometimes doesn't do anything. I'll try and figure it out.
    14. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Version 1.11

      - Fixed (hopefully) main hand weapon switching when Spiritbinding.
      - Added a 300ms pause between combat when using OrderBot and Spiritbinding, to give the optimizer time to switch stuff around.
      - Changed the optimizer's check to every 15 seconds instead of every 5. If the check happens during combat, it'll instead "save it" and wait after combat to check. If your fights last 15 sec or more, you'll see a check after every one.
      - Made the debug messages cleaner.

      Note: Even with the 300ms pause, if your gear gets 100% spiritbond when the mob dies, it'll probably go to the next mob without switching, but it should switch when that mob dies. This is because the client seems to get updated on the 100% spiritbond at around 2 seconds or so after the mob dies. Adding a 2 sec pause after every mob seems excessive so I opted out of it. It should still switch when the next mob dies.

      For those spiritbinding out there, if you could test it out it'll be greatly appreciated. I just don't have the time to test alot sadly :(
    15. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Version 1.12

      - Fixed bugs.
      - The optimizer now retries to equip stuff when it fails.

      So after testing some more and as others have said, it sometimes shows in the log it equipped something but it didn't actually happen. Made some tests, and this appears to be due to a delay between leaving combat and being able to equip stuff. Rebornbuddy's API will state that the character is no longer in combat, but trying to equip something at that time will fail. After about 500ms or so AFTER combat ends, equipping will succeed. This was causing the optimizer to think it equipped the best item after combat when in reality it didn't. I've fixed this by making it retry to equip until it succeeds with a time delay of 250ms between attempts. Your chat will be spammed with a couple of "Cannot change gear at this time." messages, but shouldn't be that much.

      With this I think the reported bugs should be fixed. I'll move on to self repairs unless someone reports something.
    16. inferno124

      inferno124 New Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Great JOB! u fixed everything! Everything ran smoothly throughout the 14 hrs I ran it. I SBed 15 sets of gear. Only complication that i came across was if I had too many items that spilled over into my inventory (i.e. rings cuz there's not enough space for 15 sets), it wouldnt switch over from inventory into armory. Since this game is designed in the manner that the items currently equipped will go to the armory, it wont let you switch unless there is space in the armory.

      Not sure what you can do to solve this problem, but maybe have it coded in the manner that the item in the inventory will switch places with an item in the armory first, then attempt to equip it...? I'm not sure how viable that is as far as coding is concerned since i know absolutely nothing about it lol. but just a suggestion.

      Again! Thank you so very damn much for this!!! you're the best!
    17. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Glad to hear it's working for you. What you're describing is a problem with spiritbinding that is, I'm afraid, outside the scope of this plugin. It would involve making an inventory manager of sorts, which is honestly too much work with little gain. Best thing you can do if you're going to leave the bot spiritbinding a lot is to clean up your armory so there's enough space.

      I've also been trying out self repairs, but it's still very messy. Not only do you have to send hotkeys to open the repair window, that hotkey is not standard for everyone. If the API ever implements a way to open the self repair window, I'll implement it on the plugin. But until then, I think I'll leave it on hold. It'll just cause a lot of extra work and at the end of the day it won't work 100% anyways.

      I think Agil is done for now. I'll only fix bugs whenever some reports them, but aside from that I'm moving on to cleaning Zekken and starting with Lisbeth.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    18. newb23

      newb23 Community Developer

      Nov 26, 2014
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      Sorry. :D

      Thank you again for the work you've put into this plugin. I really like the way your auto-pathing to/from the menders works, even if I do hope you find a way to put in a self-repair. Just a thought, but can you add in an options variable to change the hot-key Agil would send, or even simpler, just have people bind the hot-key YOU chose via instructions on the OP? (Much like SoDimm's profiles need to have XXX gear-set on XXX spot?)

      Regardless, thank you for your work! Keep it up! :D
    19. lordofthereef

      lordofthereef New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      Been using this heavily for chocobo grinding It has made things SOOOOO much more efficient. Thanks again!

      Are there any plans at all to do self reapir? That would make the grind bulletproof! :D

      EDIT: Nevermind. Reading is fundamental lol.
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    20. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Thanks for the support guys. I did consider making a hotkey option and all, but there's other problems still so don't think I'll include self repair until there's API support for it.
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