Salutations, So I got this goin' on: I'm unable to update the client or let it run due to this. I haven't had any issues until 1AM just now. Oh and I'm not even playing from Germany. Wanna see the full log? See the attachment. Cheers, - TF edit; Restarted Client, restarted computer, flushed DNS, still the same issue. I might try downloading the German version of the Honorbuddy client, but am unable to get through to the download section, downloading the Installer or the ZIP simply doesn't start.
well your running an old build first of all. Download the latest version of honorbuddy. Then do a clean install into a new folder. Do not reinstall over a previous installation or move items from the old installation into the new one. now if its still doing it, its because by law in germany we cannot sell honorbuddy with the same features that honorbuddy has normally, so a "german" version was created and can be downloaded for use in that region. the reason your getting the message is because your ip address matches one from that region so its blocked from being able to authenticate and use a regular honorbuddy build. to me links to a blank page and Honorbuddy itself has been unable to perform an automated update for a couple of days now. Any mirrors? edit; tried in 3 browsers, restarted the PC 3 or 4 times, same deal. Odd though that I seem to have a German IP all of a sudden, any idea how that works? Or could Honorbuddy be mistaken in determining that?
PM'd you my IP, Today I've received the ZIP file for the regular and the German version from a friend. I am still unable to download either from home, both return a nil value when trying to download. I finally installed both, the regular (updated) version keeps refusing me 'cause I'm supposedly playing from Germany (I'm not) and the German version though active doesn't have Gatherbuddy2, Quest Bot or ProfessionBuddy, is this correct? On top of that, I don't speak German so configuring this is gon' be fun edit; Checked out the initial release of the HonorBuddyDE version, it seems the bot-bases I was missing are all banned in Germany. Now, how can we resolve this issue of me being flagged German incorrectly all of a sudden? Mind ya I've used my key for like 2 weeks now without any issues or incident and now all of a sudden I'm German?
Hi, TerrorForce, and very sorry for the inconvenience. We're trying to engage a senior development staff member regarding this issue. Also, Tony always has things up his sleeve. We've opened bug report HB-1882 against this issue. Sadly, we've no work-around for you at the moment. cheers, chinajade
Thanks Chinajade, looking forward to an update from your end. Over here I've requested a new IP designation with a guarantee that it's Dutch (not Deutsch!), they weren't aware of any IP issues but did recognize the issue as a possible IP-mislocation.