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  • Lets build a budget botting PC Max 500$

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by mansellboi, Jan 26, 2015.

    1. frodzet

      frodzet Member

      Mar 6, 2012
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      Thats great man :) I didn't think it could actually handle so many bots running at one time, but great to here :) As mentioned, it is a powerful cheap chip :) I'd like to know your temps on your 4.2GHz OC and what VCore you are using as well as what cooler. I just want to see how likely it is that i would recommend the setup to a friend of mine who is searching a 4+ botting machine. Though each chip and batch sending varies a lot on the OC potential, i'd still really much appreciate what your settings are :)
      Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
    2. iamtooruff

      iamtooruff New Member

      Dec 9, 2012
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      temp core 0 = 50-60°C with a stock cooler, regular ASRock B85 Anniversary MB OC Settings, meaning i didn't manually oc it. Multiplier is x42, Voltage is at 1,281V.

      i don't think that it is worth to bring this cpu to 4,4 or more for maybe 1 more Botslot. Aswell as the extra costs might not be worth, but still this Setup has a nice upgrade-possibility if someone aims to get a cheap 1150 i5 (i7 might be overkill).
      the rest of this setup is possibly able to run 15+ Bots.

      250€ ~ for a 5 Bot setup -> upgrading into some i5 (150€) -> using the g3258 to setup another machine for around 200...might be a nice circle.
      (still 1 single pc handling more bots is less costs on power overall)
      frodzet likes this.
    3. yougod

      yougod New Member

      Nov 21, 2010
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    4. iamsonewb

      iamsonewb New Member

      May 12, 2013
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      for $500-$600 you can get an i5 Alienware X51 tower. +$150 for a monitor, and you will have a pretty beast setup. Troll ebay deals and there are frequently decent computers. Look for something with i5 (preferably i7), pushing 3.0GHz, at least 8GB RAM, 2GB video memory. For $500 it's not going to be a SolidState HD. Your first upgrade should be a solidstate hard drive.

      You can get a small 200gb one for about $150. I have a computer with basically nothing installed on it except Windows, WoW, and HB (and chats like skype, vent, raidcall); so a small harddrive works just fine.
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    5. brainAbuddy

      brainAbuddy Active Member

      Aug 12, 2010
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      well i didn't knew that.
      then it's really cheap!

      botting on a laptop is killing it.

      with alienware you pay for the name and the case not the machine
    6. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      You could always abuse Microsoft Azure VPS.
      Per Hotmail account, you get a 30 day free trial which gives you access to all their VPS packages with (as far as I've seen) no limitations except used core count.
      Also, you'd be botting on practically an unlimited amount of unique IPs / HWIDs.

      List of packages:
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!

      I think the trial is capped at 20 total used cores - but that's it. (I may be wrong about this, and instead per VPS is limited to 20 cores, which of course you could create multiple VPSs)

      If needed, you could setup the 16core 224GB RAM VPS - then from there assign 1 or 2 the cores per Honorbuddy / WoW client.
      A few 'hardcore' botters out there use this and have been for a while. Now I'm probably going to get several angry PM's for exposing their methods. ;P

      Anywho here's a screenshot of the 16core 224GB server.

      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!

      Bam, a disposable super-botting computer at the price of nothing but a hotmail account. :p
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    7. B3rlin3r

      B3rlin3r Member

      Feb 10, 2011
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    8. Soullinker

      Soullinker Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      ARE YOU A GOD?! The things the community developers and bot developers and support knows baffles me every day. If some day NASA has a problem a HB community member solves the problem i won't be amazed at all.
    9. MaxMuster

      MaxMuster Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 30, 2012
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      @EchoTiger: With Windows Azure service you need a mobile / telephone number (and when i saw it right a CC Card too) for each registration. Is there a Trick for this?
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
    10. EchoTiger

      EchoTiger Official Profile and Singular Developer Staff Member Moderator

      Nov 28, 2012
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      Hmm, GoogleVoice offers free VoIP numbers.
      If the email lets you sign up via VoIP numbers then you could just use those.

      As far as the other requirements I'm not entirely sure - I've personally never tried this with botting but I know several people who do it.
      It may sound rediculous, but you could probably use the same card/number on multiple emails - lol.
    11. Soullinker

      Soullinker Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      Okey i spend some time playing around with this.

      Experienced some things. You have to use a CC for sure, to be able to make a account. You can use 1 CC only 1 time it seems. CC is used a way to identify yourself to Microsoft. They give you a free month based on card not account. So my 2 email adress/account got revoked and closed.

      You can only make 2 hotmail accounts(have not tried changing IP's)

      While right now i have a VPN working and a level 9 char that is leveling right now it cosumes 80-90% of the CPU power. I selected the 8 Core 14gb Ram option.
      Naturally a 8 core CPU should be able to run a lot more than 1 wow. There is something more to it than just making 1 Virtual Machine and running a lot of bots.
      I have 0 experience in VM but i think its just 1 core made in to a VM and in the VM it says that it has 8 cores or something.(It makes no sense though)

      Some settings may be needed i guess.
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2015

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