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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by justsum13lse, Jan 31, 2015.

    1. justsum13lse

      justsum13lse New Member

      Dec 2, 2014
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      Honorbuddy freaked out on me. I am a level 64 hunter quest botting my way to 90. Personal account. I just generally use the questbot to get to 90 then have fun with the garrisons. But anyways. I posted about some problems I had with an NPC yesterday and questbot just reclicking the NPC. That wasnt too awful bad. But today it did something that got me noticed. Another character actually slapped me. I couldnt have been doing it for more than a minute. Luckily I had just settled in to bed but always keep the monitor facing me in case something like that happens. Whatever the first shattrath quest is, that takes you to the center of the room by the portals, my guy just started doing figure 8s while he was on his flying mount. Extremely fast figure 8s. I figure I did it for about a minute or so. I have never been paranoid using this bot program, other than a time when I woke up and found honorbuddy following some NPC in Hellfire that honorbuddy thought would give it the next quest. This NPC walks back and forth, and honor buddy had been following him for hours probably. Did the little the dude is walking, and honor buddy moves a step, then stops, another step, then stops, another step, then stops, etc. I think he followed him around for hours like that. Don't know if I was ever noticed.

      But anyways, on to this. Just thought I would mention that whatever the first quest is in Shattrath City, when my Horde Hunter went to accept it on his flying mount, he did insanely fast figure 8s around the guy until I stopped him. It was the turn in of a quest actually. Guy had a big gold ? above his head. I don't know why it wouldnt click. I clicked it, and everything seems fine now. But now I am paranoid. I figure the guy that slapped me reported me.

      Any ideas on where I should go from here?

      If I posted this in the wrong forum, I didn't know where the forum to report possible bugs/issues are.

      View attachment 4356 2015-01-31 16.04.txt
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Justsum13lse, and many thanks for that log.

      Flightor, Honorbuddy's flying navigator, has always had problems with indoor areas. Prominent indoor areas like Ironforge, Temple of the Earth, and Terrace of Light are supposed to be on "no fly zones". In these areas, Flightor is supposed to yield control to the ground-based navigator to prevent problems like this from happening.

      Obviously, something is amiss, and we've opened HB-1896 ("Terrace of Light (indoors) "no fly zone" not working") against the issue. There is no work-around for the problem, other than to "help it through" the problem area.

      cheers & sorry for the inconvenience,

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