Must hade bad luck but after 2 days running this profile. I am now a owner of this awesome mount. Thanks !
Way too risky to bot this since people camp spots as opposed to poseidus. Best way is to wait a server restart and start camp after 55 hours and be lucky
If be possible can you could add the option to tag him after he is found cos was camping him this way 5 days last week went for 5-10min max to the kitchen to get something to eat and unlucky for me he decidet to spawn in this time and bot simply past him when i come back he was already dead so would be a lot nicer if he could also tag him or kill him by it self thx
Been running this for about 2 days, still no results. Can we get a confirmation that it works with the latest game version? Also, whenever my toon moves to Hotspot E they end up falling off a cliff and killing every mob in the immediate area. Thanks for the profile.
I can confirm its working with rarekiller 4.1 beta! Works great!!! I got my mount yesterday. Thanks so much. You need rarekiller 4.1beta for this profile to work.
Hi and thank you for this profile. I'm french and for me the name of "Poundfist" is "Martèlepoing". So i need to change "Poundfist" for "Martèlepoing" in the profile or can i use the profile with "Poundfist". Thank you for your answer. Best regards,
This still works, just got my Poundfist kill a few seconds ago. I got REAL lucky and started this profile and checked my bot a few minutes later and he was soloing poundfist. Luckily I barely killed him.