Wow crashes when trying to quest. boots me back to login screen [string "WoW.lua"]:1: Couldn't find CVar named 'autoSelfCast' View attachment 5568 2015-01-31 20.05.txt any help would be nice.
Hi, LLZirek, and thanks for the log. This is issue HB-1753 on the '.765 Known Bugs List. As a work-around until the next drop, you might try running the Honorbuddy Beta. You can find the link in the Ref: Releases sub-forum. cheers, chinajade
Hi, LLZirek, Alas, this is mifault. The repair for HB-1753 is not showing as part of the Beta changelog. So, until the next drop, we're stuck seeing if we can work around the issue. Let's see if disabling all plugins will work around the issue. If no joy, try disabling the streaming of all products from the Buddy Store. How to disable streaming of Buddy Store products cheers, chinajade
That seamed to help thank you for your time I'll post when I figure what was causing it, but it had to be one of the streaming products, Kick's is working fine now..