Hello friends! So, I have yet to try this bot or anything, but before I consider it I want to ask two quick questions: 1)If I create a secondary account and bot on it for 100 gold daily, no auto concede or some shenanigans, just a basic deck playing some rank 20-15 rankeds, I should be comparetively subtle, right? 2) If I happen to get banned, does this in any way influence/endanger my primary account on which I have never used anything that violates the EULA? Because I have a fairly healthy and valuable eu account and actually only consider botting an account on NA to get a collection and be able to attend some open tourneys. Thanks for any answers!
why is everyone so afraind of auto concede? ive been farming using rank 20 playing the game since it came out. concede to keep rank is not against the rules....what are you so worried about? winning at rank 20 is wau easier than winning in casual and if all you want to do is farm gold for arena you should be doing this regardless if you or the bot is doing it. ladder is a joke and once you have the legend card back why even play it anymore? All i do is build gold card decks because that is all there is for me to do. run the bot and stop worrying about being banned and if you are then dont.
This, I am much like kripp, I don't even bother botting ladder anymore; I only legit play arena. A tip would be to concede at 19 so people who concede at 20 give you free wins.