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  • i need help with a profile for pick pocketting troggs in deepholm for junkboxes

    Discussion in 'Requests' started by spliffest3318, Dec 19, 2010.

    1. spliffest3318

      spliffest3318 New Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      okay so ill show you a picture of the map in deep holm generally where there is an area full of troggs for me to pick pocket, usually they do not target you to attack but sometimes you get popped out of stealth, what i need is a pick pocketer basicallyi need to pick pocket them for for flame-scarred junkboxes.
      -thanks in advance to anyone that can help me out, i just got this and am not experienced yet, hopefully soon i can create my own profiles, but for now this is all i can do, if you have any questions that i didnt answer please let me know, thanks

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