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  • [PAID] GarrisonButler

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by deams, Nov 29, 2014.

    1. Valpsjuk

      Valpsjuk Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      This NPC: Manda Darlowe - NPC - World of Warcraft

      You find her at the Stormshield barracks.
    2. Valpsjuk

      Valpsjuk Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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    3. Kmica

      Kmica Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      This is a WOW BUG. Make a ticket and a GM will fix it.

      They fixed it at least on 6 of my chars, where i learned archaeology and could not see the fragments.

      Lets hope they fix it with patch 6.1.
      Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    4. DKMadMax

      DKMadMax New Member

      Mar 2, 2013
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      when trying doing this -->How to copy settings between characters
      i just get --> [GarrisonButler ICE] Failed to load configuration, creating default configuration. Please configure GarrisonButler!

      even if i try edit in 1 it cant load that one anymore and i have to make a new in the GarrisonButler before it works..

      and why does that not work ????
    5. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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    6. snakemetal

      snakemetal New Member

      Dec 30, 2012
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      Im having a problem in which my character is dying by not fighting back against the spawns
      Then its corpse just runs into my dwarven bunker and cant get around it to res
      so just endless loop walks into the wall
    7. paulmuadip

      paulmuadip New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      you have to setup each char once on which you want to use GB cause each char has its own buildings and professions.... copying settings only works for Mailing, go into you 1st char - setup everything how you want it to work - go into the settings file - look for line where <MailItems> starts - copy everything incl </MailItems>... go to you 2nd char where you have set up everything to work except mailing - search for line </BuildingsSettings> hit return and insert everythin copied from 1st char....
      2nd char will know also send all items to the char defined in 1st char - dont forget to copy everything or GB will tell you you dont have anything setup....

      do you have any addons like bulkie installed for bulk starting work orders? if yes disable it pls and try again...
      if not there is one more user who had a problem with dcying - think deams is investigating.... an other user also expired an issue with milling herbs on first run and DC

      which CC are you using? if using singular choose default settings? if using any other CC you have to enable auto attack or choose any full afk setting....

    8. TaeTae

      TaeTae Member

      Oct 9, 2012
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      The botbase doesn't wanna work for me :/
    9. LCaveman

      LCaveman New Member

      Nov 21, 2014
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    10. paulmuadip

      paulmuadip New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      know this site? :)
    11. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Just wanted to get this off my chest in case anyone else feels this way.

      Guys, I love this product and it has saved me an uncountable amount of hours already, but I also use other botbases and this leads me to follow even more and track their status as someone who really enjoys HB as a minor hobby along with WoW...

      My point is that I feel like perfection is great and letting people vote/choose for their ICE features was a super cool way to market your product as different, but I'm worried GB isn't even the best garrison botbase anymore and that makes me a little :(

      I know it might not be easy for people to follow what I'm expressing here, and I am not being critical as much as I am just saying I hope we can start seeing some of the plethora of smaller recommendation added in a short amount of time. I know by xpac end you'll have this thing rip roaring, but theres a lot of small things that could make quality of life better for people using this product.

      Thanks for your time.
    12. esdchan

      esdchan New Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      What are the best settings for this?
    13. chasemay

      chasemay New Member

      May 21, 2010
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      I agree with HBfanboy1980 here. And also want to start by saying how much I appreciate this bot and your hard work for everything so far, but I too have lately been worried at the slow progress at knocking out the smaller features on trello that many have voted for (like guild vault withdraw/deposit access, additional professional daily cooldowns etc) which would greatly increase the bots value. Seems like weeks have gone by with only work towards missions.
    14. deams

      deams Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      From your log I came to the same conclusion.
      Did the problem occured again or was it temporary?
      If you fixed it, could you share it here for others who might run into the same issue?

      Thanks for reporting it!
      The native hb routine doesn't seem to get it all, even when called multiple times.
      We are looking at options!
      As paulmuadip stated, it is a known issue that you can find here: https://trello.com/c/jXy3zHE6/126-s...mailbox-when-there-is-a-lot-of-mails-86293274

      Did you fixed it yourself?
      We weren't able to reproduce this issue. :/
      Although there is a known one which happen from time to time when using hbrelog.

      Thanks :)
      We're on it!

      Could you post some logs?
      Or do you know if it happens on all your char or just some specific races?

      Thank you for the report. We will add a check first to ensure it doesn't block the progression.
      Here is the issue: https://trello.com/c/QAHAhW52/166-no-check-for-hammer-when-doing-daily-blacksmith-88277202
      If time is merciful on us, we will also add the auto buy option. ;)

      Concerning your second issue, could you post of log of it?

      The similar features to masterplan are on their way. ;)

      Well that's really interesting!
      This would require quite a lot of time to do something rock solid.
      For now we can't dedicate all our time to such a feature, we just saw what happen with something like missions.
      So I can't put it up there yet for people to vote.
      But I will add it to our private board, and we will certainly take is as one of the feature we develop on the side. ;)

      Possible that the protected item list was bugged.
      Nothing here on GB side though.

      Those tasks are already first, but if the toon is too far from nodes or the garden, it will do what he can see.
      And then it will move on to newly discovered tasks around him.

      We are working on the meshes for the barn!

      I know... Me too :(
      As stated earlier, life didn't agree with us on this one.

      A log or no chocolate! ;)

      Nop, no options in the store. You can check with the HB team though! They might like the idea :)


      The combat is handled by the CR, nothing from GB there. As soon as you enter combat, GB doesn't have the power until the combat is done.
      Seem you should check the settings of your CR or report it to the developer.

      Fix in beta, has been tested for a while now, should be accepted soon! :)

      Adding to the issues, thank you! :)

      Could you post a full log?

      Still trying to find out!

      Your second log shows no sign of it though. What's the link?
      The first one seems to be related a known issue we are investigating.

      But the issue seems to come from HBRelog itself.

      Working on it! :)

      Thanks for the report!
      We are improving the meshes for it!

      We will investigate!
      Next time add the log, it makes it easier for us to find what we need to fix it. ;)

      Not for now! You can only say which one to use if you need them.

      We'll get him!
      The meshes are just a question of me getting the right building.
      I had to delete all my barns for other tests... Had to start over! :)
      Plus some accounts I use for test purposes (the kind of things you shouldn't do at home cause it is a huge sign to Blizzard :D), got banned. Not a surprise but set me back on the capacity to heavily test new releases.

      We have idea to solve this problem... waiting for the HB team to get back to us on it! :)

      Thanks for the report. Althoug blacklisting is not yet in... what you see is the native blacklisting. The one making the bot buggy and doing crazy things such as going up, going down, going up, doing down...
      We deactivated it and are now using our own on the beta. You will get it with the next release!

      There is less than 10 users with this problem, this is really small proportion of all the users.
      OF course we need logs and a lot of them, to find out why you are so different from everybody else!
      Cause for now, we still don't know. The only possible reason is the fact that some were using a german version, some a hacked version and for the rest it is still a mistery.
      So please, do post one, as should every user with this error so that we can pinpoint it.

      Please post a log for the new issues.
      Concerning the combats, I would like to be clear. GB has no control at all on the combats. This is not the job of the botbase. As soon as you enter combat, this is up to the CR and GB is deactivated in the meantime.
      So as long as the users throw the ball at us, we will just throw it back at you. :S
      You should check what others using the same CR are using as settings and check with the CR writer.
      If he finds out that we made a mistake, we will fix it right away. But for now, GB is no different than any other botbase, it doesn't take part in the combat phase.

      Well poor guy, he's a dwarf and a DK... ;)
      More seriously, did it happen only once? Or every time?

      Was a tough week! Looking forward to spring and a bit of sun, the lack of light here is getting really hard. ;)

      Roger that! Althoug we have plans for the UI, so I might delay it a bit.

      This feature has been started but halted until mission are out!

      Not for now at least!
      And it is still in discussion if the Butler should take the risk to go outside.

      Here it is: https://trello.com/c/TmqLrsDa/167-wrong-choice-of-stack-when-different-size-and-milling-88279884
      This is fixable, if I may say. :)

      Arf, we announced last wednesday as the last day. I let it going for a bit longer but was time to go back. :)

      It might be because you modify the file with a not supported encoding.
      Although most users don't have this problem.
      Try with a different software.

      Thanks for the log!
      Added to the issue!

      Hey, please see my post above! :)

      Hmmm... a log? :) What's happening?

      Hey :)
      We always appreciate honest comments!
      You can always talk to me on skype and let us know what you think would really make life easier.
      I'll listen, or better... read ;)

      Indeed everything was about missions!
      But the good thing here, is once it's done we won't have to speak about it for months.
      As we already said earlier in the project. We are here for the long run!
      Garrisons and missions are gonna be here for at least 1, maybe 2 years. What is the point of us rushing a feature which we will have to improve later, and improve again, and again...
      We do it once, and we do it well enough so that you will enjoy it from the beginning to the end.
      Missions are the toughest things, that's why we waited so long for it. Now the majority of users were determined to set us on it, we did! :)
      I am personally looking forward to work on something else too... missions have been around too long on our internal discussions ;)
    15. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      not sure if "stucks" can be detected but if they happen -> just use garrison heartstone
    16. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Thanks for the post deams. I truly do aprpeciate you guys and you've been EXTREMELY responsible in your dealings with people being very critical.

      When I read this type of stuff it is reassuring that I've invested with the right people. I am also here for the long haul, but I will add you to skype so I can throw walls of text your way occasionally that you can read when you have time.

      That said! Of course missions are extremely extremely important for long term, but having to go back to toons and try to to the simple things like turn in a quest at alchemy, grab my weekly token from war mill and/or small stuff like that I know that you could have implemented it very very fast in comparison to some other stuff.

      I'll recommend once again what i did before.

      Add one more column to the beginning of Trello for items that rate less hours of work and we can see how the rate compared to the larger ticket items that require major work. Or add a poll to this thread occasionally just to mix things up for super small features you think could be added. No reason to be all linear about how you do things relating to us customers right?
    17. Themer

      Themer New Member

      Dec 20, 2014
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      Wow, I'm amazed at the book you wrote considering how your last week has gone. I AM looking forward to the new features, as this botbase has given me a significant edge in the game! As a token of my thanks, find a small donation you can use to buy some hot tea and get back up to snuff. Hopefully others consider jumping in as well!
    18. NickK

      NickK New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      (Reminder) No hurry of course, but would love for it to be able to place garrison resources orders at the trade post.
    19. Kmica

      Kmica Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      This is already possible, for 2 weeks or so...
    20. Tryana

      Tryana Member

      Dec 12, 2012
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      I'm having an issue when using HBrelog that on some toons it loads up, says switching to empty profile and then the toon stays afking there for the whole duration of the wait task.

      Is this a cache problem or possibly butler related?

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