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  • Ensemble - Priest Discussions/Bug Reports

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Dec 1, 2010.

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    1. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I don't know much about the rotation aspect, but here's spell info from wowhead (Link: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=73510):

      Mind Spike Level 85
      12% of base mana 40 yd range
      1.5 sec cast
      Blasts the target for 1083 to 1143 Shadowfrost damage, but extinguishes your shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process.

      Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.
    2. znuffie

      znuffie Banned

      Feb 23, 2010
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      Mind Spike doesn't go in a "normal" rotation. You use it when mobs die very fast and you don't have time for your normal rotation.

      I usually do like this:

      If My.HP > (Mob.HP * 1.2 [or 1.1] ) { 
         If Mob.Debuff = MindSpike(3) then Mind Blast
         Else Mind Spike
      (phear my pseudo-coding skills)

      edit: Clarifications:

      If the mob has low hp (total, not current) && (your hp is more than 1.2*mob.hp), then do the mind-spike x 3 & mindblast rotation. If the mob has higher HP, use the standard rotation. I'll repeat: Mind Spike doesn't fit in the normal rotation as it wipes all the DoTs on your target.

      If Mob.Count >= 3, and all mobs are low-level/low-hp (total, not current), then dot 2+ of them with Shadow Word Pain (because of the shadowy apparitions), and do the mindspike rotation on the remaining one. After he dies, do the mind-spike rotation on the others left (pick the one with the current lowest hp, always).

      And please allow a switch of Inner Will / Inner Fire. It costs no mana and it's instant cast, so would be nice to use Inner Will when moving from a mob to another and distance is more than 40yards or something like that.
      Last edited: Dec 12, 2010
    3. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      It is, in fact, a complete new rotation by itself!

      Here are the results of some tests i did in Uldum on some lvl 83 mobs with my horribly geared level 81 shadow priest. All three dots (Vampiric Touch, Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Pain) Shadow Word: Death was used as a finisher in all cases. -duh
      The number represents the number of seconds it took me to kill a mob with the specified rotation. Both the numbers in the bottom are averages, the numbers in parenthesis are with the two highest lowest values omitted in the calculation.

      Looks good, ey? ;) You might be thinking: "What about my damn mana??!!" Well, actually I managed to keep up the mana easier with the spike/blast spam, as a spike is only ~650 mana at my level and the three dots consume ~3250 mana (and does ~18.200 base damage) - I can cast ~5 spikes with the same amount of mana. Further more: These spikes are doing ~3900*5=19500 base damage - more than the dots, and in much shorter time (less than half the time).

      So, to sum it all up: We use less mana to do more damage, and faster... In my mind, changing to a Mind Spike/Mind Blast spam rotation is like changing from voidwalker to Felguard on Warlock, there is no downside.

      On a side note: I just found out of this today, so if there is something I am missing, please tell me. Anyway, it seems like Blizzard, with this spell, gave the shadow priest a completely new way of fighting. No more tedious dotting up when soloing/botting. It's like the buff with shadow form (lvl 40) over again, just better ^^

      EDIT: Okay, got to level 83, and the mana is scaling up hard... Guess thats because of the major increase in intelligence from 81-85, so the base mana will go up a lot (mind spike costs 13% base mana). It is not yet a problem but it may become at later levels if you have bad equipment. Well, my toon still doesn't drink at 83.
      Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
    4. wldtazm4

      wldtazm4 New Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      I'm getting an error every once in awhile and HB crashes

      [11:18:19 PM:310] [Ensemble v1.1.0]:Casting Smite on Rotted One
      [11:18:19 PM:310] Spell_C::CastSpell(585, 0, 0xF53003B400652096, 0)
      [11:18:22 PM:400] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
      at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
      at Ensemble.Ensemble.<get_CreateHealBehavior>b__1fc(Object ) in c:\Users\WaffleMan\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Ensemble\Behaviors\Heal.cs:line 44
      at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Action.a.a()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.b()
      [11:18:22 PM:400] Cleared POI
      [11:18:22 PM:401] Stop Button pressed. User has stopped the bot.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
    5. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      Any updates Raph?
    6. thebluefish

      thebluefish New Member

      Aug 3, 2010
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      Actually with the precision of a bot such as this, Mind Spike can be perfectly added into a rotation.

      There also seems to be a bug with this as well. I was noticing that my waters were being wasted quite fast, and so I took a closer look. If my priest's mana is below the percentage in the settings, then it's supposed to drink water. Instead of simply triggering the character to rest, it finds water in the bags and uses it. However many times, it attempts to drink water for a split second after killing a mob, then immediately moves on toward another mob, constantly clicking the water in my bags. Drinking water this way doesn't appear in any of the logs however, so I don't have anything to post.
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
    7. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Can you code it to where in grinding it does not bother killing mobs that are tagged by others to kill? Seems to spend a lot of time killing other peoples mobs...

    8. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      Completely disregard what I said here, just went to the auction house and got some random lvl 300 items, now Glyph of Spirit Tap keeps mana at 95-100% at all times even when spamming... Ridiculous!

      Enjoy the OPness before it gets nerf'd (I took down mobs faster than a 85 mage with blue gear... Wtf...)
    9. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Mind Spike rotation is added.

      Stop&Start HB to let Ensemble update.

      An option is added to Shadow - Dps GUI to set the Max Health Modifier

      It will use Mind Spike rotation if your Max Health * Modifier > target's Max Health
    10. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      Ok, there is a couple of mistakes:

      1) Your max health modifier doesn't work. I cant see how, but if I put it to 5 (my health ~75k*5=375k > mob health 55k) it never uses it. At 1 (my health ~75k*1=75k > mob health 55k) it will use it even though my hp*1 is still higher....... This leads me to issue #2:

      2) Mind Spike spam really is mind spike SPAM! No other skills are used, not even Mind Blast, which is actually what you would use the Mind Spike spam rotation for because it has 30% higher crit chance per mind spike cast on target and, with the mind melt talent, 0 sec cast time. It also refuses to use Shadow Word: Death. The normal rotation would be: Mind Spike x3, Mind Blast, Mind Spike x3, Mind Blast (if applicable), Shadow Word: Death (and maybe a final Mind Spike if the Shadow Word: Death was cast at a too high percentage........ And that actually leads me to the third issue:

      3) Controls for when to use Shadow Word: Death is no longer visible in the gui. I can only choose whether or not to use it, there is no "use when target has less than xx % hp". With Cataclysm, this feature is 100% necessary as the mobs have very variable amounts of hp (I change the SW: D settings all the time).

      4) If it does not spam spikes (modifier 5 for example) it pulls with blast (so far so good) but then proceeds to cast Shadow Word: Death before dotting up!!!... What the hell? ^^

      It might also be a good idea to set the number of Mind Spikes to use before using Mind Blast (some people would prefer 2 maybe, as the Mind melt talent only stacks twice, each instance lovering the Mind Blast cast time by 50%). Even then, most people would choose three Mind Spikes because of the extra 30% crit chance on Mind Blast.

      And one more thing. Letting us setting the Mind Spike spam deciding modifier be a decimal number could be usefull, I don't know ^^

      Before the update I was getting 550k exp/h, its now down to 480k (still a lot better than default)

      Even then, thank you so much for a great class, I'm sure these issues will be fixed :)
      Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
    11. Relic

      Relic New Member

      Apr 24, 2010
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      Will we ever see Guardian Spirit put in? It's a key spell for holy spec. I would love it!
    12. worm

      worm New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      Can you please remove pulling while playing Healbot PvP, it's leading instantly to death most of the time....
    13. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      all done
    14. Omglaz0rriflezpewpewpew

      Omglaz0rriflezpewpewpew New Member

      May 27, 2010
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      Btw about Mind Spike spam rotation: I use slightly different rotation.

      1) Mind Spike x3
      2) Vampiric Touch (this will add 10% mana regen proc)
      3) Mind Blast
      4) Mind Spike x2 (some time x1 or x3 - based on mob's health)
      5) PW:Death.

      Would be nice to have such a standard rotation where step 5 is triggered based
      on mob's health to be completely sure I'll have 12% mana regen proc.

      So it could be smth. like that:
      1) Mind Spike x3
      2) Vampiric Touch
      3) Mind Blast
      4) Mind Spike x{N}
      IF {Mob's.Health} IS > {Value}OR/AND{Mob's.Health%} THEN DO 5) ELSE DO 6)
      5) Vampiric Touch -> Mind Blast
      6) PW:Death.

      This will make Shadow Priest a remorceless unstoppable grinding machine :D

      And if this part "{Value}OR/AND{Mob's.Health%}" will be calculated by CC itself, based on average spell damage values - this will be just smth fantastic.

      Or at least - you can include an override option which do the following: stop current spell rotation and use PW:Death if it gonna kill the target.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2010
    15. Talix

      Talix New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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      Love you man, will test out :D

      Well, this should be optional imo. My priest doesn't drink anyway, and it only uses dispersion every twenty minutes.

      EDIT: Oh, man it's working perfectly :D
      I'm up to 500k exp/h and will hit 85 in a few hours ;)
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2010
    16. dannezor

      dannezor New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I recently started leveling a priest. Is it possible to use Instancebuddy as healer while having a shadowspec for low lvl instances?
      - Doesn't seem to heal at all even though im set as healer.


      EDIT: problem solved, just had to put RAF on in shadow :).
      - But it only heals tank?
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
    17. Bobble

      Bobble New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      Any chakra support in future for holy?
    18. znuffie

      znuffie Banned

      Feb 23, 2010
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    19. Shakam

      Shakam Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This cc is great ! :) thank you :)=

      atm i think about to insert a cast sequ. for levitate, for the case that someone gets throwed through the air :=)
    20. teflon

      teflon New Member

      Feb 13, 2010
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      I get lots of double heals; any way you can introduce a slight delay or something after healing to mitigate this"
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