Seems fine to me. That "lag problem" I'm having does not seem to be lag at all. It seems to sync with the error messages like "spell not ready" and "not enough runes", which I'm thinking is just the CR "waiting" to perform it's next move, and using melee in-between. I'm hesitant to give up my Blood DK, because it has the most progression of all my characters (Runes, multiple BoE 665s, Epic followers up the bum, etc).
No. It simply casts too many BB. Something is definately wrong with it like i already explained to you earlier. Please also fix the DeathCoil while ghoul is empowered. It should not cast the Deathcoil unless it is capped or over 80 at least.
Not really no. Also when i let him to play alone it did 28k dps on that fight and when i help it manualy (i dont let it to cast bb. Spamming ss instead of that) i did 34k~ dps. 6k~ differences... Even with that it casted like 65 BB.
Hello tunaha. Can you please do that? Prtty sure its easy for you to fix that and will be for sure an easy way to Upgrade dps.. Deathcoil on minimum Runic power is not optimal at all.
Can anyone vouch for the Premium version of this? I am wanting to use it for 2s and RBGs. Is it very much "automated" and good?
Just buy it. I use it mainly for Arenas and its great... Just mess arround with your basic setup and find out what work best for your comp... PVE side, I have a few other paid routines and tuanha is #2 on my toon(might be different on yours)... but it loses only by a 5~7% margin so its not that relevant if you consider all the features and the PVP side... In arenas its pretty much all automated... just set up a burst key(F1 for example).
Please at least fix the FS priority on NP build. Im asking this for 2 weeks already. Its still not fixed. Just turn the FS priority a little higher, so NP does not fall off before UB is out of CD.
Could you make a "tanking" mode? For example, for blood dks you want to spare those blood runes for blood tap and use blood tap when you need it (talking about raid). If the bot uses always them to blood boil then its an annoyance. Could you make it spare those blood runes for me? The bot could even use them when blood tap is on cooldown and use blood boil when its free. Its somehow the same as saving the rage for warriors to use the defensive abilities instead of using it on heroic strike.
Hi guys, Thank for posting log and report issue. I'm working on 6.1 version and hope all will be fixed by then
Son of a Lich | Acherus Forums ? View topic - Skullflower's Death Knight DPS Guide this guy knows his shit. Tweak it per his guidance and UH is game over!