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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by nomnomnom, Aug 22, 2014.

    1. captainsubtext

      captainsubtext New Member

      Sep 30, 2012
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      offtopic (to help ppl out):

      gruul: fury - sd/sb/bb/rav
      Oregorger: fury - sd/sb/bb/rav (glyphe: rude interruption)
      Hans'gar and Franzok: arms - sd/dr/bs/am
      Beastlord Darmac - arms - tfb/dr/bs/rav (use BS and trinkets on ADDs, every other ADDs use Dragon Roar+Ravager)
      Flamebender Ka'graz - fury - sd/sb/bb/rav
      Operator Thogar - fury - sd/dr/bs/am (use trinkets/cds on adds with dr+bs)
      Kromog - fury - sd/sb/bb/rav
      The Blast Furnace - arms - tfb/dr/bs/rav (glyphe: rude interruption)
      The Iron Maidens - arms - tfb/dr/bs/rav
      Blackhand - fury - fsd/sb/bb/am

      FU2 Settings: Set everything to Never (Tierspells and Trinkets) and use Hotkeys. Only when using Stormbold, set it to automatic. Disable Cooldown manager.

      Most important: Play intelligent, time your skills with encounter mechanics.

      for arms: if you get massive fps drops, lower your hardlock tick settings until nom fixed it.
      Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
    2. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      I'll reply to the reports tonight again :). But I just pushed a new version - Which should be up once HB team approves:

      * Core: Implemented a fix for those Kromog hands.
      * Core: Preventing the routine to constantly interrupt Bellows Operator - NPC - World of Warcraft
      * Core: Added performance optimizer - Can be disabled under general settings. Should improve performance slightly.
      * Arms: Minor tweak on Mortal Strike in combination with cooldown timeleft on Colossus Smash (T17 tweak).
      * Glad: Fixed a settings issue for bloodbath in gladiator's development rotation.
      * Prot: Fixed a settings issue for Bloodbath.

      FUP3 development has gotten a speed up - I'm trying to get it in working condition for my beta testers by the end of this week ... But that might be a bit too ambitious, still trying though ;)! FUP3 will solve countless of issues, and improve performance. Also the GUI will be slightly revamped to be easier for the eyes and giving me more space for ... more settings! Yay.

      FUP2 AoE stutter: This isnt solved as of - Only slightly improved. If FUP3 development continues at this pace I doub't i'll get to fixing it. If for whatever reason it slows down, I'll see for a more permanent fix in FUP2.

      FUP3 will be free for anyone who purchased FUP2. After the FUP3 release, I will increase the price on the product.
      Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
    3. dant121

      dant121 New Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      hi, sorry for my english.
      The situation is this, I set up a routine as in the image below



      but still spamming T7 and T6 Tallant on cooldown.
      what am I doing wrong?
      Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
    4. bestdamnwarrior

      bestdamnwarrior Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      You've got your T7 and T6 single target abilities set to ALWAYS, change that, that's why they're being used on CD. Just because you set them to a hotkey doesn't mean they won't be used unless you change them from being set to ALWAYS.
    5. RownX

      RownX Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      you only set "AOE T6/T7" to never, change the settings above too!

    6. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Could someone who experience the massive FPS drops during those phases do the following:
      1: Clear F12 as hotkey in WoW.
      2: Open FU2 GUI, general tab.
      3: Set the settings as followed:

      Then when you experience the lag or right before you know you will keep the F12 button pressed. You HB window will most likely space out but ignore that - The logfile will contain valuable info for me. Send me the logfile via PM.
    7. Roony

      Roony Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
    8. maxfx

      maxfx New Member

      Jul 20, 2012
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      View attachment 10244 2015-02-15 04.34.zip
      Attaching my log file.
      i7 5960x processor, 16GB DDR 2666mhz , GTX980 Card.
      The system is ultra high end and i suffer 13fps, even on dummies , sometimes 21fps .
      ARMS rotation seems to be getting the highest impact.
      As it is now i cannot raid with this, i am forced to use Soapbox for my botting needs but FUP2 is my favorite, pls fix.
    9. vaeldain

      vaeldain New Member

      Feb 16, 2015
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    10. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      New version up for approval - Which should improve performance significantly. This should also increase DPS slightly on ALL specs.

      Settings have been reset.

      * Core: Prevent tree execution during Bladestorm.
      * Arms: Prioritizing Mortal Strike in AoE situations if your target is the actual boss.

      Version & B10
      * Further performance optimization.
      * Added Legal.txt due to ... Gjeez.
      * Arms: Added detection for Tier 17 P2 setbonus - Dynamically changing rotation if present.
      * Prot: Prioritize Shield Barrier while active mitigation is enabled during Acid Torrent on Oregorger.

      Leave them default - The default is the one to use for the public.

      That works as intended :).

      Shield Charge - One of the primary abilities in Gladiator for your rotations - Cannot be disabled.

      Yes it does :).

      Modifier is the extra key to press - And the hotkey mode is to control certain aspects. Put it to hotkey mode and you can control all the mentioned hotkeys.

      Actually - It already should work.

      There is an option for that: "Enable Rage Dumping (HS)"
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
    11. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      New features like extra hotkeys will be in FUP3 - Not in FUP2. I honestly want to sped as less time as possible on FUP2 to complete FUP3 as soon as possible.

      Further the update got declined - I will fix the reason and push another later today.
      nate8282 likes this.
    12. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [size=+1]Off-topic posts have been removed[/size]
      This thread has drifted horribly 'off-topic'. In an effort to bring this thread back in line with its intent, we've been asked to apply the thread management rules stated in the first post. If your post got accidentally deleted, we are sorry. But, extreme action was needed.

      As a reminder, the thread management rules for Product Support threads are as follows:

      [SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
      The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for:
      Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Price discussions
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      We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads.​

      • If you are reporting a problem → We need to see a log.
      • If you are making a feature request → Please be concise, and don't bump the request.
        You should trust that the developer is a professional, and has captured the request or bug report into his tracking system.
      • General chit-chat and sniping → Unwelcome in a Support thread.

      We are sorry such drastic action had to be taken, and we hope it won't happen again in the future.

      Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
    13. the toast

      the toast New Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      Thank you for letting me know that, I took it down. If you don't mind I would ask that you please also remove the pics from your quote. There is no reason to be nasty, I just wanted people to know that this is a good CR. I was not trying to be a dick about anything, maybe it came across the wrong way as things sometimes do over the internet. I apologise if it did and can see how it may of been interpreted that way. I know when I am considering buying something like this it is nice to see some results to see if the product is worth getting or will meet my needs. I know it reassures me as a potential customer or existing customer when I see things like that. So I thought it might help some others that were maybe on the fence about buying or having trouble getting decent results. I just wanted to help.

      I have used this CR since near the end of MoP, I started using it after I lost my left hand and part of my arm overseas in battle. So yes you are right I cannot cut it as a full manual warrior any more and it is very likely my logs are littered with errors as you mentioned. I played manual since wow came out, but obviously I cannot do that any more very efficiently. So after the incident with my hand a friend of mine who also is in a similar situation as me where he cannot play fully manual told me about HB and rotation bots/assistants. I am very grateful that he told me about this and for HB and CRs such as FUP since they enable me to continue playing the game I love and do what I love most in the game which is raiding. I am sure there are others in a similar situation as myself and I know personally I think its great to see results of other members before I buy something that I am going to completely rely on to keep me raiding and doing what I love.

      Again I appreciate you letting me know you found it easy to locate my character and alerting me to take it down. Just maybe next time it could be done in a nicer way and not judging a book by its cover so to speak. No hard feelings since you obviously do not know me personally or my life story. Anyway a big thank you to the HB team and all the Devs, coders and scriptwriters here for all your hard work if it was not for you I would not be able to play the game I love properly and neither would others in similar situations to mine.
    14. ManFriday

      ManFriday New Member

      Apr 26, 2013
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      some of this QQing could have been done thru PM's. this thread is for reporting problems with the routine, not bitching about like little school girls. Yes its a good routine andyes it can always be improved. As he's said in the past he would rather work on the newer version thus making us look better. The problems with V2 are minimal and can be worked around using hotkeys as has always been the case. V3 hopefully will be a huge leap forward but either way i know it will be an awsome routine. Leave Nom alone to do his work or go learn how to code yourself and make something better if you can.
    15. panacea9

      panacea9 New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      The complaints are valid regardless and won't be fixed by adding hotkeys. A lot of the dps loss is caused by the routine not being reactive enough and missing a lot of procs, this is amplified for some people due to performance issues while in raid. I have perfect fps and the routine seems to miss execute and other procs just before the gcd is up. The routine seemed more responsive before wod.

      Use the Smash addon if you don't know how to play manually and wait until last ms to hit your button so you don't miss procs. Macro cds. Usually results in higher dps.

      Though this is the best pve warrior routine out so far by a lot. Logic seems good. Just the reaction is off.
    16. the toast

      the toast New Member

      Sep 28, 2014
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      Yes I agree macro all big CDs together into one button and turning them to "never" in the settings. Then learn the best times to use them in each fight for maximum damage.
      People can also figure out what glyphs and talents are best suited for each fight and change accordingly, also set the talents to "never" in the settings and hotkey them too. Learning best times in each fight to use these talents can help DPS a ton overall.
      Another thing that can help is switching to Arms or Fury depending on the fight. Some fights one excels over the other and choosing the best one for the fight can make a big difference on some fights.
      I found that after really focusing on trying to perfect my cooldown usage and talent choices/usage. As well as setting them to "never" and doing them manual I have seen great improvements compared to using everything full auto like I used to.

      A good reference to see what the best talents/glyphs/spec are for each fight are looking at the top parsed warriors logs and seeing what talents/glyphs/spec they used and what they are doing. It can give you a good idea of what talents/glyphs/spec you should be using if you want the best results. If doing that its good to look at a handful of different top 10 warriors as sometimes choices can vary a little and finding the most common choices will probably get the best results. A combination of all the things listed above are what I find works best with this CR. If anyone else has any other tips to get the most out of FUP2 I would love to hear them.

      One feature I would love to see happen in FUP3 is maybe some way to automate cooldowns and talent usage tailored to each boss. So the CR would know that during "X" mechanic or "such and such adds spawn" or at "X" time in the boss fight is the best time to use "XYZ" abilities or cooldowns. I am not sure if this is possible or how hard it would be but it would be pretty awesome :cool: .
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    17. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Version is up for approval.
      All notes from till
      Settings have been reset.

      * General: Added Legal.txt

      * Core: Further performance optimization.
      * Core: Prevent tree execution during Bladestorm.
      * Core: Rearranged variables.
      * Core: Removed InvokeShutdown() on Overlays.
      * Core: Fixed store compiler issue.

      * Arms: Prioritizing Mortal Strike in AoE situations if your target is the actual boss.
      * Arms: Added detection for Tier 17 P2 setbonus - Dynamically changing rotation if present.

      * Prot: Prioritize Shield Barrier while active mitigation is enabled during Acid Torrent on Oregorger.
    18. Aressandoro

      Aressandoro Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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    19. pwnyhofpl0x

      pwnyhofpl0x Member

      Dec 12, 2012
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      if i start honorbuddy and select your rota bot its says disable overlay how i can disable it?
    20. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      Fixed in upcoming release.

      Not yet.

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