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  • Specific pathing point causing issues

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Support' started by gathel, Feb 25, 2015.

    1. gathel

      gathel New Member

      Feb 14, 2015
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      In one of my gathering profiles I have a path point near Cypress Logs. It works about 80% of the time, but sometimes it will try and navigate to the spot and it will simply run back and forth forever. In global settings I use Random as the movement type, mount is enabled. Here are the relevant logs:
      [02:57:18.118 D] Requesting path on 148 from <166.4336, -32.32119, 362.6996> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [02:57:19.002 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.8841093 ms
      [02:57:32.444 D] Moving to next hop: <70.26862, -23.48765, 279.1583> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 11.40205
      [02:57:33.637 D] Moving to next hop: <69.02834, -23.37465, 279.4462> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.80164
      [02:57:33.759 D] Moving to next hop: <43.43279, -23.30739, 293.715> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 29.93025
      [02:57:37.050 D] Moving to next hop: <29.67273, -24.79239, 298.835> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 15.05029
      [02:57:38.670 D] Moving to next hop: <10.50643, -25.43262, 308.7803> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 22.2562
      [02:57:41.091 D] Moving to next hop: <9.272784, -25.53785, 309.585> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.921186
      [02:57:41.231 D] Moving to next hop: <8.580887, -25.62144, 310.1082> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.622778
      [02:57:41.362 D] Moving to next hop: <7.433877, -25.80074, 311.2906> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 1.992522
      [02:57:41.546 D] Moving to next hop: <-21.52725, -31.69239, 343.635> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 44.14711
      [02:57:46.354 D] Moving to next hop: <-26.72725, -33.04388, 375.985> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 33.19484
      [02:57:49.975 D] Moving to next hop: <-23.69075, -32.57781, 388.2773> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 13.21308
      [02:57:51.383 D] Moving to next hop: <-34.97726, -31.69239, 413.935> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 28.45346
      [02:57:54.495 D] Moving to next hop: <-34.32723, -36.8924, 446.035> (Moving to HotSpot) D: 32.92413
      [02:57:58.063 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208801
      [02:57:58.122 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-34.32495, -36.91697, 446.1913> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [02:57:58.360 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2380753 ms
      [02:57:59.122 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208802
      [02:57:59.180 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-28.00914, -36.51141, 446.0712> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [02:57:59.420 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2394126 ms
      [02:58:00.535 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208801
      [02:58:00.593 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-34.21699, -36.75693, 439.7031> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [02:58:00.832 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2386673 ms
      [02:58:01.700 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208801
      [02:58:01.757 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-34.36563, -36.91687, 445.8958> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [02:58:02.003 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2455111 ms
      To check this, you'll notice I'm close to my desired point, but the path generated goes off somewhere quite far, and it ends up going back and forth until I stop it - or at least I've stopped it before it has given up.

      Is this something I can fix?
    2. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Post a full log please, not just a snippet. Also please post your profile.
    3. gathel

      gathel New Member

      Feb 14, 2015
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      I appreciate the help. I'm not sure that any part of the log beyond that is useful, because the entire snippet it within a single path generation. However it's really easy to repro, here's the full profile:
          <While Condition="True">
            <MoveTo XYZ="163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775" Name="Cypress Log Spot" />
            <WaitTimer WaitTime="30" />
      And here's the full log until I told it to stop.

      [03:31:02.363 N] Loaded profile Test
      [03:31:03.032 N] Connection to established.
      [03:31:03.100 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [03:31:03.114 D] Added new hook [Pull] 247c3ace-f141-491d-b4ba-4803e3ccfbb9
      [03:31:03.114 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 9621c95a-ef17-41dd-ba46-79649dd979dd
      [03:31:03.115 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] b745be1c-38ff-4fb7-b45a-0972e064f364
      [03:31:03.116 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] b707b20e-cfdd-453f-8393-9aa655fe3a28
      [03:31:03.116 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 9bd4e707-2b96-42c6-a464-f4f55e678a18
      [03:31:03.116 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] d5728ed5-7d3e-4bc4-9986-a915b4c774ac
      [03:31:03.116 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 01efa7ac-2250-4a6a-9909-bb967dfb441e
      [03:31:03.117 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] c219bc38-9fc1-48dd-a2b7-59f02bee11aa
      [03:31:03.118 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 2e4f578d-79dc-4b7f-8e5f-eba38c6413cc
      [03:31:03.392 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to MoveToTag: XYZ: <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>, Name: Cypress Log Spot, Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [03:31:03.392 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
      [03:31:03.392 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1ab0b001-5b2b-470a-9bf7-2c40f508872c
      [03:31:03.419 D] Requesting path on 148 from <71.17542, -6, 63.91274> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [03:31:04.331 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.9120971 ms
      [03:31:08.440 D] Moving to next hop: <23.31573, -7.992393, 81.3946> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 20.30999
      [03:31:10.606 D] Moving to next hop: <12.28893, -7.992393, 99.63648> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 21.99243
      [03:31:12.996 D] Moving to next hop: <12.36338, -7.992393, 100.4326> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 1.234699
      [03:31:13.059 D] Moving to next hop: <12.92064, -7.992393, 100.935> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 1.251186
      [03:31:13.125 D] Moving to next hop: <16.87278, -8.492393, 106.835> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 7.783582
      [03:31:13.951 D] Moving to next hop: <29.67277, -10.19239, 126.035> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 23.43854
      [03:31:16.477 D] Moving to next hop: <42.47278, -10.69239, 145.235> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 23.70931
      [03:31:19.035 D] Moving to next hop: <45.17031, -13.29239, 167.2354> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 23.00864
      [03:31:21.539 D] Moving to next hop: <42.47278, -17.99239, 190.035> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 23.65461
      [03:31:24.054 D] Moving to next hop: <29.67277, -23.79239, 215.635> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 29.7556
      [03:31:27.264 D] Moving to next hop: <23.27274, -23.99239, 228.435> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 14.6229
      [03:31:28.866 D] Moving to next hop: <18.62125, -23.59239, 239.006> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 11.85726
      [03:31:30.077 D] Moving to next hop: <16.87274, -23.59239, 241.235> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 3.604993
      [03:31:30.447 D] Moving to next hop: <5.329785, -23.69239, 258.2754> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 20.90274
      [03:31:32.697 D] Moving to next hop: <4.511142, -23.79239, 259.1482> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 1.796617
      [03:31:32.818 D] Moving to next hop: <-8.495214, -25.09239, 266.8129> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 15.8134
      [03:31:34.530 D] Moving to next hop: <-16.60613, -28.29239, 279.378> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 15.649
      [03:31:36.100 D] Moving to next hop: <-16.71683, -28.39239, 280.2232> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 1.600779
      [03:31:36.201 D] Moving to next hop: <-21.52725, -32.59239, 311.635> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 32.70837
      [03:31:39.809 D] Moving to next hop: <-24.92791, -31.99239, 387.3108> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 76.10003
      [03:31:48.146 D] Moving to next hop: <-34.32727, -31.79239, 414.035> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 28.97312
      [03:31:51.280 D] Moving to next hop: <-34.32723, -36.8924, 446.035> (Cypress Log Spot) D: 33.12833
      [03:31:54.830 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208801
      [03:31:54.864 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-34.32353, -36.91674, 445.5551> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [03:31:55.120 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2562459 ms
      [03:31:56.250 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208802
      [03:31:56.281 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-28.18285, -36.57526, 439.9723> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [03:31:56.544 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2633229 ms
      [03:31:57.731 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208801
      [03:31:57.765 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-34.08918, -36.91675, 445.7842> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [03:31:58.022 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2565074 ms
      [03:31:59.228 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208802
      [03:31:59.287 D] Requesting path on 148 from <-28.0294, -36.56142, 439.7381> to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775>
      [03:31:59.542 D] Generated path to <163.8264, -3208838, 343.4775> in 00:00:00.2547372 ms
      [03:32:00.793 D] Navigation reached current destination. Within 3208801
      [03:32:00.829 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.
      [03:32:00.829 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [03:32:00.833 N] Connection closed!
      [03:32:00.835 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [03:32:00.835 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [03:32:00.835 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [03:32:00.835 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
      [03:32:00.835 D] OnStop event
      [03:32:00.835 D] OnStop Event Invoking
      [03:32:00.835 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      [03:32:00.851 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
      I was in Bentbranch when I started it.

      EDIT: And now I see it was missing decimal! I guess I broke it somewhere, so that's awkward. I should have noticed that in the first log.
    4. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Precisely. I figured that was what it was. I assume it's fixed now?
    5. gathel

      gathel New Member

      Feb 14, 2015
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      Haven't verified, but I'm so sure it's fixed I'll do that later.

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