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  • Im to stupid to work out how to use CR's

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by dimebagg, Feb 26, 2015.

    1. dimebagg

      dimebagg Member

      Feb 21, 2015
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      Hi there im trying to do something im sure you all know how to.

      I want to lvl my shaman in dungeons as a healer. I want to move him around and let the bot do the rotation for healing.

      I have installed enyo and the tuanha free routine.
      I set the tuanha to restoration and change talents to resto.
      Select enyo as the botbase.
      Load up a dungeon.
      Hit start on the bot.
      He just stands there not healing or anything.

      What am i missing im sure there is a step im not taking to get him healing?
    2. Elreg

      Elreg New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      turn on Vsync
    3. phAint

      phAint New Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      "I set the tuanha to restoration and change talents to resto."

      There is your problem, you have to restart honorbuddy for the bot to realize that you changed talents, and to act accordingly.

      And next time use the Support section of the forum for this kind of stuff :D
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    4. moaddib

      moaddib New Member

      May 8, 2014
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      As far as I know enyo is not AFK. It means that you have to move your toon and taunha will do the rest for you.
      If you want AFK use Dungeon buddy, but I will not recommend you to act as a healer or tank with this bot base unless you are watching it all the time and answers other players whispers.
    5. Jiniix

      Jiniix Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      He doesn't want to AFK if I read it right. He wants to move him manually and have the CR do the healing.
      Here's what to do:
      Change to the spec you want to use (resto)
      Open HB (it auto detects your spec and sets it up right, always restart HB completely if you change specs - ALWAYS)
      Select Enyo
      Open Bot Settings
      Disable Click to Move
      Enable the top framelock settings, leave the second one disabled
      Disable chat output (to the right of framelock settings) and save settings
      Go in to TuanHA settings. Click Dungeon Helper or Raid (I prefer raid)
      Go to General Settings (still inside the CR) and disable movement, auto cancel wolf etc how you like it
      Save settings
      Click Start
      Drink coffee.
    6. DarkManz

      DarkManz New Member

      Dec 31, 2012
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      Most of the responses are spot on, There are other possibilities as well, and I suspect (Assuming you have done everything already stated) that "Attack out of combat" may not be checked, and even then some of the Healings CR's don't like to jump into Healing until it's too late. I find that sometimes you need to give it a push by casting the first spell when the group enters combat. I usually use an instant cast, and it does not need to be a heal just something to get it into combat. So in your case (Shammy) I would just flameshock a mob and then let it roll.

      Another option is to check the "Continuous Healing box" in Enyo Bot settings. This will force the Shammy to start spamming heals. The downside of this is that it will continuously spam heals even when not in combat. You can use the "Pause Rotation" hotkey to start and stop it as needed. I believe Tuanha's default is Ctrl+X.

      But Honestly 99% of the time "Attack out of combat" fixes it. and that setting is in Tuanha's General settings Tab.

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