Looking for a bot that can fakecast for me, stops casting when an interrupt is used eg. counterspell/kick. Can someone point me in the right direction?
You will need a combat routine to do that. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/thebuddystore/honorbuddy-store/honorbuddy-store-routines/ Not sure whose all CRs have fake casting, but I am pretty sure Gladiator Suite's does as I did a trial of one of their CRs not too long ago. Goodluck OP.
This functionality was broken with the introduction of WoD and the increased server responsiveness. @ Optimiztix that's not the same as it used to be in MoP where you could exploit the delay between the cast and the land of the spell (even instant cast spells such as kick/counterspell/rebuke) which I believe it's what the OP is referring to, not the currently implemented fakecasting logic
back in the day, it was called 'Juking'. it was a tactic to get your opponent to waste his interrupt. you would start casting a channel spell then cancel it when you felt it lasted long enough to fool your opponent. its an interesting question. personally i dont pvp, but it seems like a handy feature for a pvp custom routine.