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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by mastahg, Jul 13, 2014.

    1. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Having a bot do something together with other random strangers is a bad idea overall. This is what pisses off people who don't bot, and the bans start happening. In my opinion, a dungeon bot would only be a good idea if it is with 4 bots, not your bot and 3 strangers. They will notice, and they'll report you. This happens in WoW all the time. The same goes for PvP I think, though it's a little more incognito there than in a 4 man dungeon.
    2. iyake

      iyake Member

      Oct 19, 2014
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      Are you kidding me? You're complaining about bots being an unfair advantage HERE?
    3. Miter

      Miter New Member

      Feb 12, 2015
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      I'd love a way to have a choice between all HQ mats or all NQ mats. Maybe set the minimum starting quality that you'd like to craft with and then it would increment NQ to HQ mats from the bottom to the top until it hits that minimum quality.
    4. Prodiniz

      Prodiniz Member

      Jan 10, 2014
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      I didn't say want. I said need. I'm telling you, if you start fucking with the in game economy in that way shit will go bad for us. It's one thing to bot gathering items and compete on the MB with other players on price/quantity or bot fates to level grind to compete with other people in the end game because these things only affect your personal progression. It's an entirely different thing to TAKE AWAY someone's ability to compete because they don't bot.

      Az, I know we've had different opinions on another thread, but honestly, this isn't why I bot nor do I get the impression that this is or ever was part of the Buddy Bot's motto. It's this kind of thinking that makes teleporting and hacking bots that force companies to take stronger action against bots.

      You're right and I don't disagree on this which is why I said it would be a major undertaking. Primarily getting the bot to act and respond more naturally. I think it's certainly possible though and not years. I think profiles specifically made for each class/dungeon could do well. Maybe even just start profiles with ranged classes, since they would be the easiest, then work up to tanking/healing. Again, it doesn't have to be perfect or all inclusive the first time around. In any case, I agree that it's certainly a lot more risky, but no more so than the pvp botbase was/is and that was DAMN noticeable lol. I dunno, maybe it is a bad idea after all, but someway to get tomes would be really nice lol.

      As I eluded to above while addressing Azoth, there is a difference in botting to stay competitive/doing mundane tasks that don't directly affect others and botting to gain advantage over someone else at their expense. So yes, yes I am complaining about an "unfair advantage" here. What!?, because we bot we suddenly have no moral or ethical code to respect? Nonsense.
    5. iyake

      iyake Member

      Oct 19, 2014
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      The amount of cognitive dissonance you need to even be able to talk about having ethics (as concerned with cheating in a game) here is astounding. I'm not going to even bother arguing it.

      I don't see this drawing any extra attention to yourself. Giving the bot the ability to list and buy from the mb would be no different than manually sitting by a mb/summoning bell and relisting/searching by hand. There are people on my server that do that already for hours on end. A few people automating that process isn't going to suddenly wreck the market. You'll still be limited to 20 sale slots per retainer. There will still be an opportunity cost of listing things for minimal profit. You'll still be limited to 1 search every few seconds, and 1 purchase every few seconds.

      Think of it this way: When gather bots got put in, did the market for gathered materials suddenly disappear? Did everyone become level 50 in all jobs overnight when grind bots were made available? The process of listing/buying still consumes time. Your sales won't suddenly begin immediately getting bought just cause you're undercutting more frequently. You won't suddenly get an infinite supply of your items. The opportunity cost of listing low vs. high profit items will remain the same. Even if you do manage to saturate the market at the lowest profitable price point, you'll be making pennies where you could be making much more selling other items.
    6. Azoth

      Azoth Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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      There's some intense contradiction right here. I simply fail to understand how you think that more price competition would cause 'shit to go bad', while gatherbotting items is perfectly fine. Almost by design, gather bots take away someone's ability to compete. On my server shard prices average a little under 100gil, but back before the major banwaves, shard prices dropped to 5gil each or less from all the 24/7 gatherbots. You think that a real player could compete with a gatherbot, or that any price cutting could have as large an impact on prices? Also, btw, the economy moved along just fine with shard prices that low, and moved along just fine when prices increased again, because they aren't nearly as fragile as you might think.
      And again, we have empirical evidence from other MMO's that price-cutting tools aren't remotely catastrophic.

      I don't remember what thread that would be, but anyways. My point isn't that we specifically enjoy screwing with other players, but that we do so automatically by virtue of botting. To take your dungeonbot idea, I think we can agree that the bot would generally perform worse than if you had controlled it manually (with or w/o CA as you like). So your party gets stuck with a subpar player, because you're lazy and want to bot your way to cap. Your actions benefit you, and harm other players as a byproduct, and that's the case with virtually every form of botting, even if the process is something more abstract like market movements. That's not an indictment, and in this community it should never be. Any botter who judges some forms of botting as 'unethical' are applying a huge double standard.
      And the reason teleport/hacks get stronger actions is because they're more easily detectable, which is also why the buddy team won't implement them, not some notion that they're less 'ethical' than regular botting.
    7. Prodiniz

      Prodiniz Member

      Jan 10, 2014
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      *sigh* Az and Iyake, look, I'm sorry that you don't get it. Maybe I just don't have the vocabulary to articulate correctly what I'm trying to say so you can interpret it with a rational mindset instead of either misunderstanding what I say or taking it so literally that the context is gone. I had a whole long thing typed up to explain what I was saying, but, in the end it doesn't matter. You guys don't agree and I'm ok with that.
    8. kagepande

      kagepande Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Had to fine this since iyake quoted this, and I will agree with the first statement that you have made here, though that second statement is a utter lie and trash. If they really monitored it so well there would be more bans then not, I know many of us here with Reborn Buddy have accounts setup to bot specifically with the goal to make money while our mains do other stuff. I have a few accounts with level 50 gathering and only level 15 combat classes, whom make millions of gil a week and ive been transferring it to my main, has been going on since release. At times Im even putting more items on the market then I should be able to gather in a sense-able about of time, aka 10k+ shards. I am on a very large server and don't think that your second comment is at all true.
    9. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Please don't derail this thread.
    10. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Currently working on cleaning up fatebot a bit. Leveling a rogue so I can finally poke ninja and check out a few of the quirks RB has with them. I think I am going to be removing code for moving into pullrange and dismounting from orderbot/fatebot and leaving that up to the CR. I'm testing it right now, and it makes movement so much nicer, no longer runs inside the targets for melee.
    11. becto

      becto Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      That would be great, I am all for better Fate grinding. Is there a way you can have the bot wait for certain fates that have multiple parts (ie. "The boy who cried jackal"/"The truth is out there" in Middle La Noscea) and to initiate Fates that need to interact with an NPC to start (ie. "A mad, mad mad sergeant" in Middle La Noscea)?
    12. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      The chain fates I am already thinking about, interacting for fates would require too much work.
    13. 野獣先輩

      野獣先輩 New Member

      Jun 8, 2012
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      Order Bot it will spam Sprint when miner or botanist. Can we get this behavior on Mana classes as well?

      I don't know if sprint should be managed by the Combat Routines or main bot, but the mount setting is in Global Settings.

      An option to use Sprint instead of mount would make grinding on Mana classes much more effective.
    14. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Something that would be very useful is a way to get the player's Craftsmanship and Control stats. The only way to do this I could find was adding up the equipped gear's stats. But this doesn't seem to take into account things like set bonuses, and of course food buffs.
    15. Lordsolarius

      Lordsolarius New Member

      Jan 8, 2015
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      I feel like this is relevant here. I noticed recently that when I am running fatebot on paladin, I run right up to target and am literally 1 step out of melee range. I am not sure if this is a problem on my end or not, but it consistently happens. I only manage to fight the things that agro or if I get a shield lob off to get it to agro to me. I have tried different CR's and same thing each time.

      Any thoughts on this?

      Thanks so much!
    16. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Next version will include a bot that will allow you to feed a specific chocobo or entire free company chocobo. Both personal and free company housing will be supported.
    17. Justin7402

      Justin7402 New Member

      Oct 31, 2014
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      I know gold saucer just came out, but do you forsee triple triad/any of the gold saucer minigames being a priority for the future? Grinding out 2mil MGP seems like a pretty monumental task at the moment.
    18. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      haven't even visited yet.
    19. Marth

      Marth Member

      Dec 9, 2013
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      That's to be expected.

      Firstly thanks for the awesome update, choco feeding looks great too.

      I would recommend spending some time in the gold saucer because it will probably be the most frequently used content up until Heavensward comes out. Triple Triad is pretty big and choco racing is a pretty huge timesink for those interested so botting either of those would be very helpful.

      Some of the triple triad NPCs are easily defeatable by abusing the Plus and Combo rules and using the same strategies over and over so it wouldn't be very difficult to write profiles for something like that if we had the backend to support it.

      Thanks again.
    20. Azoth

      Azoth Member

      Mar 6, 2014
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      Agree. Both Triple Triad and Choco racing are massive grinds that can be easily automated, which basically screams 'bot'.

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