my profile based on the profile Supranium found some problems, bot stoped after 1-1.5h or said - "i dont want go to the point xxx" Instruction 1. Go to the Everbloom Wild (Gorgrond) (see pic) 2. Load profile - Grind Mode not Quest as Supranium ver 3. Push Start !!! Gear recomended 630+ !!! --- View attachment my_ Laughing Skull.xml
Thanks i'll try this one after i tried an other profile. I think i had the same issue as you, i hope it will work for hours this time else i would have been exalted by now. EDIT: Looks like this one is working for me, after an hour it didn't went AFK/stuck Loading Tiles yet. Can you add mammoth repair/sell to this profile? i have no idea how to do that myself. Looks like it's killing rares too wich is great, they give 60 rep.
doesn't use key abilities on a dk, I loaded it and my dk refuses to use death strike frost strike or obliterate, this causes him to die...alot
many people having this issue. apparnetly its a mesh/nav/hb issue with that specific area of gorgond. as far as i have gathered its like a freaking fault line and eventually when crossing over you get stuck loading tiles rather than they load and continue on... very annoying.