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  • 5 Fresh Accounts Banned (24 Hours) - Need Advice

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by pbandj333, Feb 26, 2015.

    1. pbandj333

      pbandj333 New Member

      Nov 24, 2014
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      I was just going to start up botting again after a 2 month break due to the gold prices being absurdly low. I created the 5 accounts yesterday and leveled them to 15 and waited until the payments went through to start leveling them through dungeons. I used 2 different payment methods, one via pay-pal and the other via debit card. I waited for the payments to clear before purchasing again so the payment doesn't get discontinued. When i came home from school to start botting again i noticed all 5 were banned. They are all on the same battle.net email. I was wondering what could have caused this, is my payment info or system flagged? Also i was wondering what i should do if that is the case, re-install windows and find a new payment method somehow? Just looking to get some advice so i don't end up wasting another $25. Let me know what you guys do in this situation, thanks in advance!
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    2. Newkostya

      Newkostya New Member

      Jun 19, 2014
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      As or me - 5 similar accounts on the same battle.net - it's not normally. And have you been banned before on that Ip?
    3. tsincaat

      tsincaat Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Couldn't tell you regarding IP or system, but you have to admit it is a bit suspicious that someone buys five accounts on one battle.net account and simultaneously plays all of them. Only people doing that are botters/multiboxers, and there aren't THAT many multiboxers.
    4. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      just curious. did you get the standard 'third party software' ban letters?

      not that i have any clue, just gathering knowledge building a mental database.

      edit-- were you leveling all 5 in the same instance group? again, i only run in pairs so im not real familiar with 5 man groups. your input will help me build an overall picture of the current state of botting.
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    5. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Please let us know what you came up regarding the botting scene nowadays.

      It's pretty clear they have changed their banning approachs. I got 5 accounts banned + my main who never botted, never traded gold and never shared the same PC with the bot accounts (shared IP though). He had alts in botting guilds and that was enough to perma him, it seems. Furthermore, some people have been reporting quite odd bans lately, just sitting in the garrison doing nothing, just using CR or been banned within minutes.

      It would be great it the buddy staff gave a "state of botting" thread with what they think is happening, but that is really unlikely.
    6. Xeddzul

      Xeddzul New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      Bans tend to historically happen more often around patch time. I don't know if blizzard detects anomaly's in play time while bots are being updated, or if they just pay more attention during this time, but it's pretty well known that more bans go out within a few weeks of major patches than other times generally speaking.

      And since no one multi-boxes nowadays, running a 5man just seems like a bad idea unless you create 5 toons on 5 different servers, under 5 different B-nets and occasionally leave 1 or 2 out of the group.
    7. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      so far, and this is only my personal experience and what ive filtered though anecdotal evidence.

      yes, blizz is coming down harder on instance farming, and i believe its from the fallout over the stonecore video that went viral last month. if we remember back, wow was being ravaged by these bot armies in the cata instances. when the stonecore video was released, it instantly went viral and was posted on hundreds of websites/forums/blogs. I think one of the key components of the video which really caught the eye of blizz staff was the very end showing the characters using noclip to reenter the instance. noclip/wallhack/collision detection disabling is in whole different class involving hacks/exploits and just plain breaking the game.

      here at honorbuddy we focus more on automation and outright cheating/hacking/exploits are frowned upon, restricted and a bannable offense. this alone moves instance farming to a whole other category of bad. i truly believe the hacks plus the video itself going viral is what caused blizzard to go full blown retard on the instance farmers.

      of course as stated by Ayzul in one of his posts, 'some Ayzul profile users may have been targeted as a result'. in effect, we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is not to be confused with plain old player reports which we are in constant danger. bothunters and coin farmers outside of instances are a constant threat and should be considered dangerous and not to be interacted with. as a general rule, you are more likely to be reported if you confront the enemy rather than just leaving the situation without bringing attention to yourself.

      to address your issue of your main being banned just by having alts in your botting bank. if your botting bank is determined to be just that, a botting bank, then any association with that bank can be a 'link'. you may well have been banned for your alts association and having nothing to do with botting on your main.

      as to the other topic of botting with CR's and getting banned in your garrison. i was recently suspended in such a manner. knowing all the details of my account, i can only assume they had no solid evidence whether or not i was botting and i was only assumed to be a botter, perhaps because of a player report, or multiple reports and i was given a suspension as a stab in the dark. i have received many many bans over the last couple years and never once had one overturned because they always had hard evidence to prove their case. i have gone through the appeal process and the information ive gathered from multiple encounters with blizzard staff is 'yes, we have definite evidence you were using third party software and your ban will not be overturned.' as far as others who get their bans overturned, i cant speak for their circumstances. that is why i question people for details when i see posts like these.

      another fact i know, blizz does not always ban instantly, sometimes they do, but most times, they wait. the exact reason is not always the same. patch days, resub days, and oddly enough around the 1-2 of the month. ive spent many many hours reading the ban forums. going back a couple years. there are patterns to the bans. there is a 5 month span a couple years ago, most every ban was on the 11th of the month. very non-random. pattern? who knows, but its suspect in the least.

      it would be very difficult to produce a 'state of botting' report. many times the patterns arent apparent for weeks, months, or in some cases, reviewing a years worth of ban reports. how would people have reacted to the statement 'more bans are happening on the 11th day of the month' if we didnt have months of proof, not prejudiced by claims of why bans were happening at that moment.

      and we would rather have no information/statement, rather than wrong information/statements.

      Disclaimer--take this how you want, if you disagree, then i urge you to put together your own opinion of why things are how they are. maybe we can hear your version next month.
      IGG likes this.
    8. Mordark

      Mordark Community Developer

      Mar 31, 2014
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      Did you use the same IP and or information on all of them by the way?
      There's a (new?) policy in place now that limits each individual to only having three accounts.
    9. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      dood, ty for bringing this up. i read the new eula and saw just that. however, when i went back to blizzards website, that line is mysteriously there but in a different context.

      i read the eula so long, blizzard timed me out twice. which in itself is shifty on blizzards part. 'hey, lets put this in here that needs to be read and agreed to, but lets make it so long, it takes twice as long to read as the time we give them to read it.'

      now back on track. those words ' limited to 3 accounts' is used in the context of 'limited to three accounts with a battlenet balance' in the eula posted on the blizz website.

      but a shiny nugget of polished shit, blizz now allows you to pay your sub with your Battlenet balance. not sure when it was implemented, but it was not always so.

      edit but more on topic---do you think 3 accounts refers to 3 battlenet accounts registered to a single person, or does it refer to 3 accounts[licenses] per battlenet. the wording is vague. the words fall between the topics of creating a battlenet account and adding licenses to that battlenet account. but its vague as to which it refers to.

      either way, it affects myself for one as a botter because i routinely create multiple bnets in my own name because my memory sucks ass. [and blizz doesnt give a fuck whos name is on the account, as long as its legit and you can provide documentation]

      edited to correct the word paypal, to say Battlenet, in the line 'pay your sub with your Battlenet balance'
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
      Mordark likes this.
    10. Thunderball

      Thunderball New Member

      Oct 24, 2012
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      1) I dont think they flag your payment method, I buy my accounts with the same paypal for 3 years now, thats represent more than 300 accounts bought, It seems like payments are only related to the blizz accounting department dont think GM have acces to that
      2) Didnt read the new EULA, the only 3 accounts per individual is interresting, I used to create only 1 bnet account and buy 5 accounts on it, my last 5 man squad was created 1 day before patch 6.1 they dont seems to have a problem for now but this can be a problem for the future :(
    11. Thunderball

      Thunderball New Member

      Oct 24, 2012
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      To be honest I believe its 3 different battlenet accounts per individual (ID) because
      1) You can still create new wow accounts even if you have 3 or more accounts on your bnet
      2) There is a lot of multiboxers (legit ones) running 5 to 40 accounts at the same time and its a really good income for blizzard as its 5 to 40 subscriptions
    12. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Correct me if Im wrong, but this fact is not quite correct.

      Last time I checked, you were only restricted to own 3 battle.net accounts, but not 3 wow licenses! If that was taking place, they would not allow more than 3 wow licenses per battle.net account, just like having only 1 of each other Blizzard game per battle.net account.

      To not troll the OP's thread,

      I could assume, his 5 licenses were ran on system, which were already flagged from Blizzard, because some bots, ran on it, were already banned in the near past. So their server-side flagging mechanics are going stronger with each ban on such system.

      The only way around is reinstalling everything on clean and go on!
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
    13. Neilu1337

      Neilu1337 New Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I read the new policy right now and it says you were only restricted to own 3 BATTLE.NET and not 3 wow licenses.
    14. milanbad

      milanbad New Member

      Jun 20, 2014
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      Last few days i have been getting bans for exploit of economy , when leveling raffed groups that were at lvl 40 60 and 89 . Never had this happen before. Been buying russian battlechest via proxy , all with same mastercard same name on accounts. Anyone experiencing fast bans like this when using russian accounts lately ?
    15. schae

      schae Member

      Jul 30, 2013
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      10 accounts - 10 virtual machines - 10 different names 2ACCS=1IP so basically they could only know about 2 accs per persona - 1 Payment Method "GM: you're telling me that you're not abusing the economy but why do you create 9 more accounts over vpns if you dont want to sell gold?"

      PS: Ban for abuse of economy (creating 10x level 1 druid, never attached any bot, never traded anything...just 10 paid keys and I did nothing more than creating level 1 and logout to start 2 days later with kickz)

      At the moment its a rough time for instance botters...nearly everything is wiped out...I personally have capacities for about 60 virtual machines with 1 bot for each one (using Nem. not buddy, it has more load but I have less problems in VMs), two weeks ago I hit the limit with all of my 3 computers and last week 50/60 were banned, not at the same time but it took 4 days after the first 33 bans to hit 17 more, only 10 survived. When I look on my high pop realms here in germany, its very quiete, only found 35 chinese on Frostwolf running suicide HoS with boost chars.

      I'm testing now some very useless spots suicidely where no one expect botters (doesnt give me a lot of gold) only to test if they get caught to pull out my backup spot and grind there for a 2-3 months until i get banned and people know about it
      Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
    16. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      It is all about cat playing with mouse.

      We are the "mouse" of course!

      Blizz seems to tighten the mass botting very well in the last few weeks, especially after 6.1!

      Anyone running 5+ bots per machine gets flagged fast. And if he is already on their "flag" list, the bans are coming faster than before!

      So the only option would be to adopt and move on!

      It's not like Cata, its not like Mop, it became much more easier to farm gold since 6.0, so I hope they balance it for good, or the servers economy would die soon enough, just like the last months of Cata, when gold touched the bottom with 0.05$ per 1k, then the china resellers even stopped buying for a while!

      It was good till it lasted!
    17. kykha

      kykha New Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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    18. trevordd

      trevordd New Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      Try individual proxy from buy.fineproxy.org website. It is a very nice one. It will surely work for you. I had the same issue, and it was the solution for me
    19. shelaine

      shelaine New Member

      Sep 8, 2014
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      Wut :eek: Thanks for bringing this up, I didn't know that....

      Edit: Wait.. so does that mean 3 WoW Licenses in 1 Battlenet Account, or 3 Battlenet Accounts on your name? Can't check the Eula myself right now
      Last edited: Mar 26, 2015
    20. tia1979

      tia1979 New Member

      Jan 19, 2015
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      Its troublesome that blizzard just have the power to just ban accounts as they want. Im kinda scared for my main account. But im kinda happy that ive ran hb on 2 pc. 2 on 1 and 3 on the other so i guess that makes my setup more secure. Im not one of those hardcore botters with 50+ accounts nor do i sell gold. i usually use the gold on my chars.

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