of course they will continue to buy. at a much lower price. thats called custom relations and risk management i think. market is a science if they stop to buy at all, sellers are unsatisfied, and find another way to sell their gold. being unsatisfied means, they will probably not return to the broker. brokers need their suppliers same as they need buyers.
we have been using plex inside eve online for quite some time they can be traded sold gifted scammed blown up all sorts of things but scamming is legal in eve online
Gametime for the russian accounts is 6 usd atm, no idea how much it for brazil now, must be same. So here hides huge gold price nerf, doubt they will split gold into russian and non russian.
This is really good, I'm so not interested paying rl money for multi acc each month, I would pay for gym rather
"Q: Can I resell a WoW Token after I’ve purchased it for gold? A: No, each WoW Token can only be sold once. After you purchase a Token for gold, it becomes Soulbound. At that point, it can only be redeemed for game time." Did you read that? It means this tokens won`t affect on gold market. Try to speak to chinese GS`s about how much gold they see in 1 month, these tokens won`t affect more than 5-15% on market, it`s not even interesting. + a lot of ppl just never use goldselling servises.
The token will probably be bind on pickup. When you buy it through their dedicated token-AH, its bind on pickup. Thus you cant trade it. This is really smart by blizzard, they are now in the position to decrease gold prices to where they see fit. Probably so that it out competes the regular farmers, not making it worthwhile for them. I wouldnt be surprised if a token costs 20€ and you get 50000g for it. Which is an effective gold price of 0.4€ per 1000g, lower than most legit gold companies that pay taxes sell for.
This is sad! End of wow gold selling? People on wow website are saying: This is what forced basically all EVE Online farmers out of business, just realize that they stated that the AH prices for each will fluctuate based on the standing of the economy for each region. Also, if a game token is $15 for one, then what's the point of getting rid of subs, if a month of game time for subs is $15, people willing to just buy subs aren't having any more change other than the fact that now it isn't an automatic renewal system. - Eve Online has been doing this for years. They set the real cash price for tokens just low enough to force the gold farmers out of business. They don't need to set the AH price, though ... they might set a floor price, say a large vendor price for the token. Then the player will always be able to get some gold for the token, but will allow the AH to set the correct market price. The vendor price should be set low enough to encourage the player to AH the token, instead of adding new gold to the game by vendoring it. - Is it over????
well how about using Realistic numbers. make it sound legit. but i see your point. Maybe it was "numers" that threw me off. The way i see it , Botters/Farmers will use their gold more to buy Gold coins instead of selling to Gold Seller. BUT it will also increase gold because of the botter/farmers having more active accounts. Which also may increase bans. So people saying blizzard won't make money. Well someone had to buy the Token in the first place. I would think the gold coin will be more than a Monthly Subscription. If anything it'll decrease the value of gold(from third party seller PoV). Gold coins will add more accounts , meaning more botted gold. Third party sellers will pay less because of the abundance of gold coming in.
This is my take on it, with somewhat realistic numbers... Pricing has not been determined yet, but it is likely it'll cost MORE than a normal month subscription. Gold value will be initially dictated by Blizzard, and supply/demand will determine the value later on (I'm not sure if Blizzard will implement floor/ceiling prices). When the token is posted, the system calculates how much gold he'll receive when it gets sold. This will be a fixed value - it doesn't matter if the price changes between post and sale. Blizzard has the "gold making machine with unlimited supply, so they don't care). Here is my little story: My name is Real Life Rich. I have the monies. I don't want to farm gold, but I need gold. I'll buy the WoW Token from Blizzard, which means I'll buy gold from the official venue. Because I have the monies! I don't want to have any risk with my account. Official ONLY! Real Life Rich pays US$18,00 for 30-day game time. Puts it into the new Auction House tab - it'll get in line to be sold. I'm Poor WoW Player. I barely have monies to pay for energy, but I be needing some game time! I can buy game time with gold! Farm, farm, farm, farm, farm, farm... Poor WoW Player checks the AH. 30-day game time is selling for 20000 gold. He buys it and goes out to play for 1337 purples! Blizzard "official" monies/1k gold rate is US$ 0,90. Hi, my name is Mister Gold Seller. Blizz is trying to eff me up and take my business! They'll never take me down! I'm gonna sell gold for the Average WoW Player. That way, he doesn't need to farm, farm, farm like the Poor one! So, I'll farm, farm, farm - either because I'm chinese farmer or because I run the bots! Then, there is the Average WoW Player. He may want gold for two purposes: 1. I want gold to buy pets and mounts and gear and other stuff; 2. I want gold to buy game time. So, for this to be somewhat good for the Average WoW Player: Average WoW Player buys gold from Mister Gold Seller: 20000 gold for US$15,00. 1k gold = US$0,75 Average WoW Player knows that his subscription is US$15,00 - and currently, on the AH, 30-day game time is 20000g. Looks good if he wants to spend the gold in game. Looks bad if he wants to purchase game time... If 20000 gold is more than US$18,00, why buy from Mister Gold Seller? He can just go and buy a token from Blizzard directly... If we include RISK in the operation, I'd say that the Average WoW Player wouldn't buy above US$0,60 because of risk. What if the tokens are valued higher than that? ~25k Real Life Rich buys token for US$18,00 - sells for 25000 gold. Blizzard "official" 1k gold rate is US$0,72 Average WoW Player would buy gold directly from Mister Gold Seller if the price is close to US$0,60 per 1k (25000 gold for US$15,00). If 25000 gold is more than US$18,00, why buy from Mister Gold Seller? He can just go and buy directly from Blizzard. ~50k Real Life Rich buys token for US$18,00 - sells for 50000 gold. Blizzard "official" 1k gold rate is US$0,36 Average WoW Player would buy gold directly from Mister Gold Seller if the price is close to US$0,30 per 1k (50000 gold for US$15,00). If 50000 gold is more than US$18,00, why buy from Mister Gold Seller? He can just go and buy directly from Blizzard. So, it seems the less gold tokens sell for, the better for gold sellers. Sorry for the wall of text.
Just put this up somewhere, people need to understand it. My guessing is that the price will start from 100k and go down. 100k will probably kill most of the casual botters, but that's not my concern. My big issue here is that the price is based on supply/demand, so all those little greedy people who bot will jump on the bandwagon and purchase Tokens from the AH for their game time. This will lead to the tokens being sold for higher amounts of gold -> which leads to lower prices for selling gold. So along with the quote above, remember this one: Don't buy game time with your gold, because this will lower the price of your gold that you want to sell.
For EU servers, $10 for 25k is a 'normal' price. In fact, it's $17 for 50k on one of the cheapest servers EDIT Woah, after looking up US prices... I might start botting in the US startup costs & subscription are cheaper. gold costs more.. hmmm
Gonna buy game time on the AH with my botted gold. It's a nice way to get game time for gold legitly -> perfect for every casual botter. It will kill most professional botters but that's not my concern. HAHA
There plenty ppl who alot gold in legal way, via ah flip, farming bloods etc. So tokens may sell fine without botters.
I think people misunderstand how this works. Blizzard has no transparency on their amazing Token-AH. What does this mean? Well it means that they will just print the gold needed to make sales. And they want to make sales, because sales = revenue. Do you think they will let the players dictate the price of their product? When they can easily just increase the gold the token costs to get more sales (higher gold/$). If they would have used the regular AH that would have meant that each sale needs to accompany one month of subscription. Blizzard wouldn't make much money off that, the only money they would make out of such a system are the players that wouldn't play the game because it was too expensive. For example: 5000 tokens are sold on BNET. 500 people buys tokens in game for gold. Blizzard generates the additional TokenPrice * 4500 amount of gold. So in short: Blizzard sells gametime for money (as they have always done) Blizzard sells gametime for gold Blizzard sells gold for money So what is their concern? Well in short: Inflation. That is their ONLY concern. It would be ridiculous if Temporal Crystals cost 5000g/each. And their other incentive for this is to minimize gold sellers spam/hax/etc etc...Because this costs a lot of support staff man hours. I think blizzard will sell gold for 0.5$/1000g.
Macatho has a point here... It looks like Blizzard is pretty much the only one who can SEE the Supply/Demand. Considering that low prices are bad for Blizz and good for gold sellers, they'll artificially keep the prices on the tokens high. And I just realized that Blizz doesn't even have to actually wait for your token to sell in the AH. They can deliver the gold to you and make the token VANISH. They'll vanish tokens as they like - to keep prices high. Richie Rich will get his gold anyway... 'cause Blizz has the coin press machine!