In the last couple of days, I have been considering starting on goldfarming through the use of bots though I would like your opinion upon whether or not the assumptions I have made are reasonable in the real world. My first assumption is that I should be able to run the bot for around 7 – 8 hours a day without being hit by a ban. If I am wrong how long do you people propose to run a bot so that the risk of being banned is negligible? My second assumption is that I should be able to earn around 2k gold per hour by farming old dungeons/ raids though I haven’t played WoW since WoD was released so I am not certain of this and would like your input as to whether this seams a reasonable number or I should be expecting a smaller amount. I am also expecting that I should be able to sell my gold for around 0.2 - 0.3 US$ per 1000 units which I believe to be reasonable since the gold buyers on this site appears to give around this. A couple of gold buyers over from Ownedcore that I have been considering for when I get the gold flowing are: Pr3cious: AbsoluteGamers: appletreestore: Now are there any of you that has sold gold to any of these people before and would recommend one of them more than the others or are they all good? I was also considering selling just once a month since that I have gotten the impression that it is after a deal has taken place that there is the greatest risk of being banned or would you recommend selling more often? In addition, do you recommend running your bots through a proxy or on a virtual machine for example or is this irrelevant when it comes to banrates?
8 or 16 hours i think the chance of getting banned is kinda the same imo, atleast if you're just lvling up a account and start botting and do nothing else on it. You should estimate closer to 1k unless you have some experience. And if u want 0.2/0.3 you should make sure you farm on a good server. Otherwise u might have a hard time selling it for 0.1.
dude soon blizzard is selling gold maybe it will all be out of business for us: Good thing I have other methods than just gold selling Gold selling was a great way to make A LOT OF MONEY PASSIVELY
I will answer these questions for you and other botters who have same/similar questions. My first assumption is that I should be able to run the bot for around 7 – 8 hours a day without being hit by a ban. If I am wrong how long do you people propose to run a bot so that the risk of being banned is negligible? If you are botting dungeons, you will get banned eventually. So honestly, with all the threads I have read on bans over the years, people even get banned for 3/3 dungeon farming which means 3 hours on, break, 3 hours on. This is why they turn to 24/7 eventually when they realize the bans happen even when farming for low hours. The reason is because it is a ban by association. When the manual blizzard guy comes to check dungeon to ban the 24/7 people and you just happen to be in the dungeon, you are also looked at. Seen that you have been doing this for 3 hours straight 6 hours a day every single day you get hammmered by the GM There are always a lot of variables involved than just time spent botting that the botters keep thinking of. My second assumption is that I should be able to earn around 2k gold per hour by farming old dungeons/ raid The dungeons were nerfed. Your mileage may vary. Always check the date of posts to see if the information is still viable. Botting WoW should never be the main source of income because you are not in control of what could happen. But it is a GREAT SOURCE of secondary income, until the tokens arrive, which blizzard can sell gold with secretly even if no one is buying the subscriptions, without anyone finding out. They have done shady things like that in diablo 3 also, putting up items in auction house that they themselves put there!
im pretty sure when someone reports being banned 3/3 dungeon farming means they had all three of their farmers banned at the same time. similar to 12/12 farmers getting banned. and 25/30 farmers. we find this information fun to toss around because it insinuates whether blizz may or may not have considered IP or hardware id when banning. if all my farmers get banned , 6/6 then we have to ask ourselves, did all 6 get banned cause they got caught, or did they get linked, or did they just suspect all accounts on the ip as farmers cause all 6 had one druid and was online similar scheldules. no one knows how blizzard operates, but that doesnt stop us from guessing and making outlandish claims and unbelievable theories.
try this one, he is paying the most(90% of the time) atleast i experienced this as i know the ah in d3 was closed due to some problems
Currently selling at .4 to a trusted person from owned, haven't looked into prices much but I think you could get this easily with more looking.