Hi Everyone, Can anyone point me to the best talents to take as a resto druid using HB and oracle II ??? I currently have germination, but it RARELY use's it and I would think moment of clarity would be better??? Also is anyone using DoC??? It seems very weak when used with HB and I use natures Vigil instead.. Your opinions would be appreciated, and thank you.
I don't have logs or charts to argue either side, but I am using SotF, DoC, and MoC talents alongside wild growth and regrowth glyphs. I've been having great luck, especially in the mana department. I am easily outlasting every other healer as far as mana, and still keeping up with healing, if not more. I admit there are times when the bot will spam wrath when it should probably heal, but it hasn't costed us a wipe yet. If I see this happening, I will usually just manually cast a wild growth in between the wraths. Using a sotf/doc build is less mobile. So on fights where I need 100% mobility, I will go back to I:ToL, NV, and Germ, and use a rejuv build, but it isn't often.