As the title states, which profile do you use for money making? I am running a bit low on money, and lectures volatiel air isn't giving much anymore due to the prices drop fast. I really appreciate your help, so thanks alot
I've been using Tony's Mining / Herbing at Uldum. I get about 20-30k in 10 hours with hes profiles. GB that is. One toon btw.
Been making about 10k the last coupple of days, been using Tony's Mining / Herbing at Uldum. I want to try a twilight highlands profile, anyone knows if it's worth it or should I just stay in uldum?
twilight highlands > uldum on my server. i have maximized profits with my hunter and the mine/herb profile by tony in twilight highlands
Find a mat that sells well on your server and drops from something that spawns a lot, then create your own profile. It's easy and there's plenty of guides throughout the forums about how to make one.
Jimmi, these sorts of questions actually crash gold making for us botters. Because, if we all go to the places listed then we'll all end up selling our goods in the ah and driving the price down. Best thing is to farm vanilla mats atm. Easiest to farm, least competition and sell amazingly well.
server dependant, look up what sells for a lot on ah, and where there isnt that much competition. then create a profile for it, load it up, start the bot, go to sleep , wake up post on AH, go to work, get home from work, Cash in from your mailbox. rinse and repeat