This was a really cool post, thanks for the info! I've found the auto aspect usage kinda iffy though when I use it, the issue is that aspects have a shared CD and if my cheetah gets popped at a bad time, my fox is on a 10sec cd. So I prefer to do aspects manually.
Can you post your custom spell ID page too ? And doesnt the routine shoot the wyvern sting pretty randomly ? I want to wyvern the dps we are not on, on command.. but it doesnt seem to work :/
As Randy mentioned before - bind it properly, set focus on e.g. to healer being in the arena and all works nicely I have been struggling same issues, but have tried few different set ups on dummies, and after few tries worked out how to do this. But - i'm still wondering how to quickly set focus on healer when arena starts - biggest problems are resto droods stealthing at start - so i can't target them.. Any ideas ?
I have macros for arena focus/targets and depending on what one the druid would fall under depends on what one I would spam e.g. if the druid is Arena3 I would spam my macro for Focus Arena3 so as soon as he exits stealth he is my focus
Hey DL'd your program today about 10 mins ago paid for it i am in need of help to get it going if there's anyway you do set up support that'd be phenominal what i do so far is turn on enyo and run bot it's doesen't do anything :/. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated and ofc i can +rep if i get it working w your help if i can't well i think my name says it all lol happy hunting man hope to hear from you soon a PM would work great or you can reply this thread
Hey, I have good news and bad news: The good news is there is a support thread for problems like yours! the bad news is it isnt this one. Please redirect your question/concern HERE
number 1 !!! I have one more quick question (hope last one) - this bot will update by itself ? or do I need to follow dev page to check for updates ?
1. What is the strongest spec for hunter in pvp now? 2. Stat priority for each spec? 3. What weapon? Does it matter? 4. Set bonuses on all spec? I heard BM likes 4-set 5. What pet to use?
1. Imo BM (for burst and spectral pets with double buff) > SURV > MM 2. BM - Mastery>Vers>multistrike>CIRT>others SURV - Vers>Multistrike>Mastery>Others MM no idea never played this spec. 3. CQ bow or gun - no matter which one 4. im using 4set bonus for BM, and it's nice. 5. for BM - any spectral for mastery and crit buff or cairrion bird for mortal wounds for debuff reducing healing on target for SURV - im using cat/carrion bird.
Randy let me know if you ever wanna play some 2s, or Kfc. I'm glad with glad suite: druid. Just pm if you do.
Im currently sitting Rank 1 on my main account, so I dont know that Ill be queueing any 3s except for pilots/alts Thank you though, Hyperious!
Curious to see your new settings for 2.10 Also , what spell is 59990? Seems like you need to add enveloping mist , unless I missed the spell ID: 115151
Whoops meant to link Enveloping Mist for people that want to add it: 124682 Thanks for the clear up on Lifebloom. I couldn't find it for whatever reason.