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  • [PAID] GoldBoss - Unlimited BotManager - Full Bot Automation! [known as GarrisonBoss]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by @alisha, Dec 29, 2014.

    1. menand

      menand New Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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      Алиша - не могу понять по какому принципу стартуются миссии и как расчитывается вероятность успеха.

      Поясню - если есть 2 миссии с наградой "золото", одна даёт 100, другая 75 - всегда ли будет выбираться та, где награда больше или нет? Если вероятность первой 70% а второй 100% - какая будет выбрана? (По логике в долгосрочной перспективе 100 голд* 70% успеха - 70 голды, и должна выбраться та, где награда меньше, НО если вероятность 80% - то выбраться та, где награда больше - ибо ИТОГОВАЯ награда ИМХО это СУММА умноженная на вероятность успеха (касается опыта\золота\ресурсов и т.д.).

      Также рассчитывается вероятность успеха каждой миссии отдельно или сразу все возможные комбинации чтобы сделать максимальное количество миссий? Учитываются ли "особенности" (уровень предметов, раса\длительность миссии и т.д.) соратников или только контрспел? При отправке писем - можно ли указать сколько должно ресурсов оставаться (я хочу чтобы вся "лишняя" трава отправлялась на "банк-аукцион-персонаж") но при этом оставался запас, чтобы персонаж мог делать заказы в гарнизоне.
    2. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Will check this issue, ty!
    3. Lassse

      Lassse New Member

      Sep 10, 2014
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      Just want to say that I love this bot!

      Not only taking care of the obvious stuff (mine, herb, workorders etc...) but also daily fishing, hunting for the barn and alot of other stuff!

      Really nice work!

      Bying this after trial is over!
    4. PerryCulloo

      PerryCulloo New Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      Does the bot have a way to obtain Garrison Resources other than Cache and Missions? If not then should I just manually get all my garrisons setup with atleast some of the buildings before purchasing?
    5. xsmoked

      xsmoked New Member

      Dec 4, 2012
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      Love this, but one thing i noitced. Is there anyway in a future update that we can get the option to set how many Miners Coffee we use. Right now it uses everything you have in your bags, up to 5. I personally dont use 5 at all since i like to save some for everyday use. Thanks
    6. knivez

      knivez New Member

      Jun 4, 2013
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      First of all thank you for this, i love his botbase and ive tried all the garrison ones. keep up the great work! I have to report a bug/problem im having, maybe you can give me an idea of why this is happening.. i use this with 10 characters on hbrelog.. havnt ran into any problems really except for pathing/stucks in buildings/fences etc.. which im sure you are working on constantly ;)

      the problem i have ran into is with lvl3 barn, and traping the elite river beasts. it seems my ranged characters (can confirm on mage, spriest, moonkin so far) get to the river beasts, usually pull one, sometimes more than one. then stop pulling, they just sit max ranged with the beast targeted and dont ever start fighting it. i have to manually initiate combat, it will take over, and problem repeats. any idea why or how i can fix? they are all using singular cr. nothing is stated in logs it just says:

      GarrisonBoss]: Starting Hunting for <Caged Mighty Riverbeast> need more: 11
      [GarrisonBoss]: Hunting on <Wetland Trampler@7530>

      then sits there waiting to pull, sometimes the status window of honorbuddy says loading tiles, but like i said this is only happening on my ranged characters it seems. any ideas?!
    7. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Hi, feel free to add this to Idea for voting :)

      Hi, you can get them via Trading post for now also.
      In next build you can run via GarrisonBoss any Quest/Grind profiles as Queue -> so you can obtain Garrison Resources by it.

      Будет выполнена миссия с максимальной наградой, которая удовлетворяет требованиям.
      И да, учитываются все рассовые и другие особенности Соратников.
      Про ресурсы - на данный момент нет, но Вы можете проголосовать за внедрение этой опции через сервис Идеи.

      Пожалуйста при посте на форуме, используйте английский язык, т.к. это официальный язык форума и другие пользователи не поймут вопрос.

      Hi, it will get Mission with biggest reward which suite your requirements.
      And yes it count all race and othe Followers abilities.
      About resource - not for now, but feel free to vote for it :)

      Please use english language in forum, because its oficcial HB forum language, thank you!

      Hi! For this i need full log to check this out, please use "Add ticket issue" on Idea and provide there description of problem again with log, Thank you! :)
    8. PerryCulloo

      PerryCulloo New Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      Im not going to have a use for Quest/Grind profiles unless it works in unison with kicks just getting resources and gold while leveling(But im a nub). But im fine with just getting my guys to 100 and then just run the bot every day, but it looks like it will upgrade buildings rather slowly with no other garrison resource income. How are you guys gathering enough Garrison resources to upgrade everything?
    9. Mikdad

      Mikdad New Member

      May 11, 2014
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      Hi for all!

      I was looking for my issue, but didn't find it in the posted ones.

      My issue is the follows:
      Bot is staying near the bank trying to Interact with Kyra Goldhands <Banker>, vendor’s window opens, but nothing happens then (

      [19:08:01.064 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Arrived to <Store House Entrance> at <1799.033, 201.6402, 70.07915>@2.48. Me at <1801.104, 203.0056, 70.09422>
      [19:08:01.067 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Moving to <Кира Золотые Руки> at <1801.441, 193.0496, 70.88705>, Me at <1801.104, 203.0056, 70.09422>
      [19:08:01.890 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Arrived to <Кира Золотые Руки> at <1801.441, 193.0496, 70.88705>@2.9. Me at <1801.148, 195.9095, 70.49087>
      [19:08:02.449 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Interacting with <Кира Золотые Руки>
      [19:08:02.449 D] Interacting with Кира Золотые Руки (Unit Id: 84857)
      [19:08:09.829 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Interacting with <Кира Золотые Руки>
      [19:08:09.829 D] Interacting with Кира Золотые Руки (Unit Id: 84857)
      [19:08:15.064 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Interacting with <Кира Золотые Руки>
      [19:08:15.064 D] Interacting with Кира Золотые Руки (Unit Id: 84857)
      [19:08:20.293 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Interacting with <Кира Золотые Руки>
      [19:08:20.293 D] Interacting with Кира Золотые Руки (Unit Id: 84857)
      [19:08:25.441 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Interacting with <Кира Золотые Руки>
      [19:08:25.441 D] Interacting with Кира Золотые Руки (Unit Id: 84857)
      [19:08:30.692 N] [GarrisonBoss]: Interacting with <Кира Золотые Руки>
      [19:08:30.692 D] Interacting with Кира Золотые Руки (Unit Id: 84857)
    10. avocadowarrior

      avocadowarrior New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      I'll post a full log in a sec but my bot doesn't seem to be consistently getting mail:

      [GarrisonBoss]: Starting check for <Mail>
      [GarrisonBoss]: Found Mailbox <Mailbox@1E69>
      [GarrisonBoss]: Moving to <Mailbox> at <1927.694, 294.151, 88.96585>, Me at <1933.592, 346.4913, 91.76411>
      [GarrisonBoss]: Arrived to <Mailbox> at <1927.694, 294.151, 88.96585>@2.6. Me at <1925.245, 295.0208, 88.96597>
      [GarrisonBoss]: No work for <Mail>

      This is despite having about 6 or so mail items and having GET MAIL turned on in the settings. Anyone else finding this?

      Edit1 here is the log: View attachment 170704

      You can see

      [21:40:21.570 Q] Bot paused
      [21:40:36.203 Q] Bot resumed

      Just before this point is where it failed to pick the mail from the mailbox. This issue seems to be happening on all my toons. This is a fresh HB install that I redownloaded to fix my previous issue with GarrisonBoss.

      Thanks :)

      Edit2 My bot doesn't seem to like the Dwarven Bunker. It gets stuck inside for some reason.
      Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
    11. reww

      reww New Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      This may be an obvious question. For the money making guide you recommend having 11 chars, do they all need to be the same class?
    12. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Hi, please never post pure log data in post, use instead attachments for log.
      And more prefer -> Use Ticket System: "Add issue Ticket" with attached log in Idea service. All information you can find in FAQ post at thread start.
      So, then i can check and help you than :)

      Hi, in log there is no usefull info, to check this, pm me with your skype name :)

      I'd recommend they to be different classes, cause having same class characters to suspicious :) For farming better to choose classes / specs with highest survivability and DPS.
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
    13. Mikdad

      Mikdad New Member

      May 11, 2014
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      View attachment 170734
    14. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      There is no info with errors on Log. So questions:
      1) have u unlocked reagent tab?
      2) what checked option in Bank tab in GUI do you have
      3) do it interact with Bank NPC (bank window showed)?
    15. HyperMonkey

      HyperMonkey Member

      Jul 3, 2010
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      Hi Alisha!

      I wanted to summarize another issue related to the first one:

      - It doesnt make much sense to send a lvl 91 on a lvl 100 mission where he gains only 1k XP, but a lvl 100 follower (not yet epic) would have gotten 10k. (The ones that gains the most for a mission, should be picked first imo)
      - Another thing you may want to consider is "XP per hour" e.g. it would be more appropriately to send a lower lvl follower on a low level mission (even though he's available for a lvl 100 mission), as the low lvl will finish faster and then yield more XP per hour.

      Have a nice day!
    16. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      yup checking by lvl for gain more EXP - i will add it, this issue already reported :) but thanks for your report too!
    17. icedragon

      icedragon New Member

      Aug 17, 2014
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      Had an issue with stuck on the dwarven bunker in the garrison for a real extended period of time I am including the log from one character, but this happened on 3 different characters on the same building in the exact same place.
      The dwarven bunker is located to the right of the stairs to town hall as you are facing it and it seems to try to go around the side of the building rater then to go in the front of the building and it gets stuck there.

      Anything can be done about this?
    18. vcreation

      vcreation Member

      Nov 17, 2013
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      just finished 7 days trial, pretty good bot base except the order it do things sometimes a little random, like going start mine work orders BEFORE mining ore, so when finished mining u end up with more stones... but the BIGGEST problem is getting stuck on alliance L3 trading post... and this stuck has 99% stuck chance, tried it for 7 days run it hundred of times, there is only once it was able to start trading post work order. problem had been posted on

      can anyone confirm if it's fixed? no use if it's 100% stuck
    19. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      UPD: i looked your screenshot it seems to be its not connected to WarMill (Bunker) but connected to Vendor NPC it try to reach there, which blacklisted already but for some reason not blacklisted in your case. i will check it
      UPD2: Can ypu please PM me with your skype name., i will add you to beta for test fix

      i personally never have stack there, so cant tell if anyone have problem with it still :) but i have ticket issue to check roads for it.
      And for WorkOrder -> yes queue generates for random order, and this wont be changed, cause it maid specially like this.

      you can PM me with your skype name i will add you to beta for check :)
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
    20. Eitron

      Eitron New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      Posting log,

      The issue is that botbase keep clicking to a place and stop. Rinse and repeat.

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