Well, I can confirm, it "thinks" for 3-5 seconds and only then - starts casting Onyxia 13:53:03.307 N] [03:307]: BossBase: Detected Ониксия -- here I noticed that nothing happened after pool. tried to stop-pause [13:53:17.305 D] Pause pressed. [13:53:17.332 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [13:53:18.239 D] Pause pressed. [13:53:18.273 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! -- and 4 secs later Stars started to casts [13:53:22.142 N] [22:142]: [Sunfire][On: Boss] [HP:70.4%][Reason: Solar Peak]
Another log, it was reported previously (but this is not a "5 seconds issue"!) Al'Akir - nothing work at all I spamed a bit Start/Stop to mark this encounter [14:08:59.005 D] Pause pressed. [14:08:59.041 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [14:08:59.445 D] Pause pressed. [14:08:59.466 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! Stars completely ignored boss when add came to fight - Stormling - NPC - World of Warcraft Stars tried to select it (i'm use autotargeting), and doesn't allow me to fight with a boxx - i visited Settings and disabled auto targeting. and then - manually killed a boss I know, it' s aold Encounter, but anyway it's bugged (or you are rely on bugged HB functionality)
Hmm Couldn't find anything in ur log. been running tests and checking code all day.. nothing out of the ordinary. Might be related to the 1~2seconds cache, where.. nah no idea.. There's not much different between how the routines check for CanAttack, mostly HB api. But there's auras that share a common aura/ effect that sets the bot off. I've whitelisted the range and CanAttack, but havnt been able to test it yet. Not sure if u read the latest post. A bug got introduced in one of the latest updates, which is being worked on. Not sure what u mean with 'official launch'.
Release Pushed out a new version, awaiting store approval before it goes live. Changelog: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! U might have to delete ur settings on the upgrade.
I Toggled Overlay in settings (also, reset them to default according to your suggestion) ..and I can't find that overlay at all i suppose, it should be some panel with extra info, or I misunderstood? Have no idea how it looks like, tried both windowed and windowed (full screen) - can't see something new Also - Some "misterious" settings have no hint at General tab. "Auto Pause" - not sure how it works at all - no description "Rest behaviour" - same. autoeating?
Nefarian 25HM Routine does not works after player jumps down to the pit (i played manually) --encounter started [06:32:50.263 N] [50:263]: Pause: I'm Mounted [06:32:50.664 N] [50:664]: BossBase: Detected Controller Stalker [06:32:50.665 N] [50:665]: Pause: I'm Mounted --mine test Start-Stop [06:33:01.518 D] Pause pressed. [06:33:01.546 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [06:33:02.954 D] Pause pressed. [06:33:03.011 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! [06:33:21.527 D] Pause pressed. [06:33:21.598 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [06:33:22.101 D] Pause pressed. [06:33:22.132 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! --trinket [06:33:42.193 N] [42:193]: Using Осколки Ничего -- Because: Unspecified --encounter finish [06:35:10.799 N] [10:799]: BossBase: Detected Shadowblaze [06:35:10.888 N] [10:888]: BossBase: Encounter Ended
You can't toggle the overlay. I had to remove it again, because the store doesn't fully support it yet. Auto Pause : all that, Pause Mounted, Drinking, u can turn it off. Rest behavior : food / drink yeh Disable Auto Pause - it thinks ur mounted / on transport on that boss.
Blackhand heroic (actual raid) Routine stopped for a long time in middle of fight (phase 1 of fight), two fights in row Boss was in < 30 yards (i.e. all spells castable, nothing blocks a boss from player) So I just stay in range and nothing happened for a while I pressed Start/Stop to indicate this moments 16 seconds delay: [18:43:28.201 N] [28:201]: [Starfire][On: Boss] [HP:82.6%][Reason: Filler] [18:43:37.823 D] Pause pressed. [18:43:37.862 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [18:43:38.265 D] Pause pressed. [18:43:38.322 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! [18:43:44.453 N] [44:453]: [Starsurge][On: Boss] [HP:78.2%][Reason: Roll Charges] 6 seconds delay [18:45:20.504 N] [20:504]: [Starfire][On: Boss] [HP:56.7%][Reason: Filler] [18:45:22.811 N] [22:811]: [Barkskin][On: Me] [HP:42.6%][Reason: Damage Reduction] [18:45:23.154 D] Pause pressed. [18:45:23.155 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [18:45:23.195 N] [23:195]: [Rejuvenation][On: Me] [HP:42.6%][Reason: Heal Self] [18:45:25.068 D] Pause pressed. [18:45:25.112 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! [18:45:25.996 N] [25:996]: [Starsurge][On: Boss] [HP:55.3%][Reason: Roll Charges] UPDATE: OK I figured this out. Sorry, it's a bit difficult to explain for me, because my english is not good Stars thinks boss is not on line of sight behind those bunches of wood with flame: In previous versions Stars ignored them, and DPSed without stop Now it stops once those obstacles is between playerand Blackhand. BUT game allow DPS even if plays behind those obstaces So easy fix (?) is to whitelist "Is on line of sight" at Blackhand encounter because encounter is short circle. and boss me be not in line of sight only if player jump to balcony at phase 2 (but no one dps boss from theme because of short time) BUT
Meh from I can't do much hmm... Did the boss gain an aura or something - I'll have to ask around (other devs) if they experienced the same and what they did.
please check update to my previous post i never experienced this issue at previous versions of Stars (we try to kill him for a week)
Thanks for image. I havn't changed any LoS code - but can whitelist him. Will have to dig through HB changelog to pickup something that might cause it. But first option to upload fix is tomorrow night.
There seems to be a facing issue with kromog, the CR has issues trying to figure out the position of the boss relative to his gigantic hitbox and the cr seems to hang while trying to face. Turned Facing off and it resolved the issue. TLDR if your having pausing issues try turning off facing and it should sort it
blackhand on first phase stops attacking if it's behind one of the wooden piles which are not a los, had no problem until tonight edit: ah i just noticed you already replied to the issue, thanks though
Now has an issue where it thinks its Line of sight when its not. Had the issue on orgorger, had to switch over to uggla. Not 100% sure why as I didn't have logs on. I have been having a few issues with this cr tbh... Even tho it does do about 2k more dps single target then Uggla. I have to use uggla because stars is being all random... Some times it doesn't attack. just stop mid combat. Some mobs it just wont attack. On beast lord darmac it wont attack the spears. (dot them up least). I have attack everything turned on.. Its like they don't register with the bot or something. I find myself spamming starfall for it.. Like on operator, the second those add trains pull up uggla will pop starfall. Some times stars wont pop starfall till a good 20 seconds in and there already all on 20%... So over all with these issues its hard to use it, even tho it does do more single target dps. hard to use. Please fix as I wanna top dps... or at least top balance dps..
Can you please revert the routine back to a good working version, whatever has been happening the past 3-4 days, I can't have that happen during raid tomorrow
Yes, i also got it on Oregorger There are "soft corners". Player still can casts in many cases, however HB thinks it's not LoS
Is it intentional that routine dots targets before casting starfall on multitarget fight. Shouldnt it be starfall first then start dotting.