It will interact with portal, had it running while server hopping this morning looking for portals just to make sure, and sure enough.
So it won't let it join the scenario as expected while in a group, but did you get it in the mail yet?
is there a chance you can add this spawnpoint to the frostfire ridge profile: 53.17
if u by any chance have not gotten the egg id it is 239901 Voidtalon Egg - Object - World of Warcraft
Did you just have the bot running while manually server hopping or did you automate the hopping aswell? Also, someone stated something about looking for it after a 'reset'. Does this specifiy the daily 3am reset or something else?
I was manually hopping, I don't think the bot is capable of joining groups in the premade finder on its own at the present time. And no, not the daily reset. The portal seems to have a massive surge of spawns directly following any sort of server restart or maintenance, so I would advise you to camp heavily on Tuesdays and if you don't get it then, just wait until next Tuesday and try again, as the spawns slow down as the week progresses, and as they slow down, your chances of finding one that week go down with them.
Hello, im using this profile from Monday 24/24 and still no portal do you think that he missed it or am I just unlucky ?
Just bad luck probably Kiki, reports are showing it is successful in locating and heading towards portal.
Updated to include Frostfire Ridge 1.6, this includes the extra spawn spot. (Although unnecessary, since it was close enough the script would have detected it and interacted anyways) and increased collection distance.
Hey this makro might be helping campers using the not moving Profile /run local f,x = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent);f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() == "Edge of Reality" then PlaySoundKitID(11466, "master", true); if not x then Screenshot(); x=true; end end end) What this will do is play a sound (YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!) whenever the tooltip shows "Edge of Reality". Requires you to position yourself and your cursor in such a way that if the portal spawns your cursor will be over it, showing the tooltip and triggering the sound. This will not work like npcscan or such in detecting it in your proximity. The cursor must be over the portal. It can be blocked if someone stands between you and the portal spawn point. You need to know exactly where the spawn points are. Use the various screenshots for reference. The portal name is localised for english clients. Change to portal name for your client. Heres another usefull hint i found on WoWhead: "The portal remains for AT LEAST 3 minutes. I timed from when I saw the portal to when it dissapeared." hope i could help.
Were you in a group during the time that this happened? This is important to know. So far we only know you get the item in the mail if you're grouped and you're automaticly denied acces from entering scenario. Can you tell us if you got the item in mail after solo farming by yourself?