Hello. I am a bit of a veteran, when it comes to FPS cheats, and communities. I have been administrating certain cheating sites and forums.. I am thinking about buying your Hearthstone bot.. Is it worth it boys? Is there something I need to know before buying? And how easy is it for me to become detected? Also.. How far did this bot bring you guys (Gold or Ranked)?
Although I have not written anything on this forum yet I've been lurking around for a good year. From what I have learned the chance to get banned is completely random and does not have to do a lot with the total time that you have been botted. Some people get banned for botting 24h a day and some others get banned for botting daily gold. But yes the bot is definitely worth the money if you are willing to risk the chance of getting banned.
Considering the game is free and you can just get blizz to reset your account it's totally worth it. As for ranks, the highest i've gotten so far is rank 7 with the bot and that was with a reasonably cheap priest deck. Since then i've built a legend deck and am now starting the ladder climb again.