Change the pull range. I had the same problem and I just bumped up the pull range and it fixed it! Edit: General Settings>"Pull Distance"
This profile has been really handy. Worked a treat with no issues so far. Thank you very much for putting it up.
What is the perfect pull distance? I bot with 75 but there are a lot of mobs which are ignored from the bot. Pls help
Hmmm I run this profile with a pull distance of around 45-55 without any problems. 75 seems a little excessive and might make your bot run way out of the way to get to another kill (which might screw up the pathing, resulting in not aggroing?) try 50ish and see if that works.
Hmm it's strange. The bot is running through de mobs and don't attack them. From 10 possible Mobs he attacks 1 ^^.
Been doing this for about three hours and have netted around 100 Volatiles, it's a great farming spot but there seem to be a lot of people around. I can't seem to go ten minutes without someone coming over and checking me out.. But meh.
Wow haven't checked this thread in awhile. I haven't had no issues with pulling mobs with it on any of my (4) 85's. If you have an issue kick your pull distance up, i personally use the default one. For not being able to run it simply change the max level to 86 (right click, edit, 85 -> 86) As I stated the profile is a bit sloppy but I put it up quickly awhile ago. With prices dropping slowly I have no intentions on fixing the original profile seeing as both issues have been explained how to fix. I will however edit the original post. Glad you guys are profiting from this.
Been running for about 45 minutes now. 44 loots and about 9 volatile airs. Works pretty well so far. I will update once I have run for a full night. Good profile!
All i get is 'Could not navigate to current hotspot dequeuing it!' Rather irrating considering ive been stood on hot spots that are in the profile. Any ideas?
Make sure you are running "grind Buddy". If you are level 85, you have to edit the profile yourself by finding the coding "MaxLevel" and change it to like "86". Try that out.
I feel like volatile air was buffed either today or yesterday. When i ran yesterday i got about 9 in an hour (horrible, and prob just really unlucky) but today i got 49? Was it just pure luck or what, running on a feral druid.
Great profile, ran all night = 1k kills Although the bot stopped looting after 250 kills cos my bags were full..
I use this just to grind from 82-85. not only am I grinding but I'm getting a shit ton of air while I'm at it. One of the best Cata profiles =)
only loots for 2 hours.... Ran overnight... only looted the airs for 2 hours. In 8 hours i ended up with 65 volatile airs which is really slow gold farming. Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Scion of Al'Akir Stop and dismount... Tried to move to Scion of Al'Akir for 45 seconds, blacklisting! Stop and dismount... Tried to move to Scion of Al'Akir for 45 seconds, blacklisting! Stop and dismount... Tried to move to Scion of Al'Akir for 45 seconds, blacklisting! Stop and dismount... I think this issue is because i had 1 slot in invintory. The bot should keep looting the volatile airs because they will stack and it just wouldnt pick up other items if my invintory was full.
Those of you who are having problems with the bot not attacking the mobs, make sure you uncheck the experimental path following options.