i looked at the code looks like, the only thing i can think of is that your bags was full, it trys to open the box 500 times and stops when u dont have anymore of the items was your bags full ? if so i can add a bit of code that helps stop this from bugging out like this, if your bags was not full them i really dont know, does this happen all the time or just this once?
yes it does, but watch out if u got an item u want to keep put it in ur bank coz this profile will sell everything p.s. this was said in 1st post
A had a lot empty slots, just when bot looting mobs find chests(this Tiny Treasure Chest) and stoping with this message permanent
its 10 now days not 5 and yes u can hit that within 30min or so, thats why i did 2 profiles one with a wait timer and one without, the wait timer one will make it so u dont hit the too many instances but the bot will sit inside the instance for a bit not killing anything coz everything is dead, the no wait timer will just get that too many instances so this profile would normally be used with a relogger and after 30min or so when u think u will hit the too many instances u can have the reloger make the bot do something different
5 = 10H 6 = 25H <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SetRaidDifficultyID(6);" NumOfTimes="1"/><CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script SetLegacyRaidDifficultyID(6);" NumOfTimes="1"/> This would work to set it to 25H instead of 10H. The reason most users want to do heroic now days is because the gold is increased by default on heroic. With that said, you average 20 gold per run on normals and 60 on heroic. It's nearly tenfolded in a sense. Not to mention the heroic items sell for more than the normal versions via a vendor. To stay safe, I'd say vend all the items. Stay away from the AH and sell it with your mount or at the nearest vendor. So far, running it for almost a hour and it's flawless. Using the specific profile to wait between sessions seeing I don't like my toon sitting outside attracting unnecessary attention. Fantastic job, keep up the good work!
Thank you for your amazing profile. I was wondering if there was any chance you could make it so the farmer could make bolts of embersilk cloth so reduce slot usage? Thank you. Also, my bot is drinking potions of treasure finding prematurely. I went through 5 within an hour. Seems like an awful waste. Here is my log...
I can definitely test it out for you later today. Thank you for the prompt response. I hope the potion drinking will work too. thanks
pot drink should of been working i did test when 1st uploaded it and it did then, but someone did report that it would not open chests i found that it was coz HB was bugged it had nothing to do with the profile
I just tried the profile again but it mails the cloth after it repairs. It doesn't even have a chance to make bolts. Could you give it another look. Please and thank you. I appreciate the work.
it should turn it to bolt after each run, i will take a look again edit just updated let me know how this one goes(bolts ofc) edit this time it works i did a quick test
YES, it works!!! Thank you so much! I will be donating. Now the search for other cloth farming raids. =)
hahahahah tyvm my 1st one i have been thinking of getting a few more cloth farming spots, raids/instances ofc there so much better
You're welcome. I should thank you instead. If you have the time that would be great. PS. I still haven't tested out using potion of treasure finding yet. I'm already collecting a lot of cloth as it is. Banked 4000 last night alone, just need another 4250 for 110 embersilk bags.