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  • [PAID] Expose - The PvE Rogue

    Discussion in 'Rogue' started by Speks, Feb 16, 2015.

    1. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      Hey thanks for the kind words. You're actually right with the rupture rule, its a bit off at the moment. Just added a change. (Had to do with ShadowyReflection) and its behaviour outside of SR.
      As far as Hemo goes the current rule is set at less then 3 seconds to refresh hemo (assuming we dont have Find Weakness up) the reasoning behind this is the sims i ran with diferent hemo durations and accounting for dps range, 100% hemo uptime isnt nessecarily what we want.

      I did tweak Rupture though, I'll send the update up right away.
    2. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      1.0.40 sent to store,


      Changed Vanish/Ambush behaviours for Combat.
      Changed Rupture behaviour for Sub, should result in a nice dps boost (sorry!)
      Changed Casting method for Facing/Los-Checks.
    3. avengingwrath

      avengingwrath New Member

      Jan 27, 2014
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      Sweet, thank you for the very quick response! I can't wait to give the new update a try. Cheers!
    4. CheatBuddy

      CheatBuddy New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      Can you explain the reasoning backing this?
      In my understanding not having hemo up all the time is a dps loss, except when Find Weakness is up, because it do not benefit from 100% armor ignore.
      Like, sub main stat is Multistrike, and with high levels of gear, its consume the bleeds very quickly, because of Sinister Calling:
      "When you multistrike with Backstab or Ambush, you also twist the blade, causing all of your Bleed effects to advance by 2 sec, triggering an instant tick."

      So, if any multistrike happens in a give moment, and the hemo debuff is not up, we loose this "free" dps boost. Is minimal, but its count.
    5. Radstabs

      Radstabs New Member

      Mar 20, 2015
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      Hey man, love the routine so far. No log to post but your gearing should prioritize the 4 piece bonus for combat over everything. It is currently auto swapping solely on ilvl.
      Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    6. bongi1987

      bongi1987 New Member

      Oct 30, 2010
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      any dmg output screens?
    7. marevbo

      marevbo New Member

      Sep 23, 2012
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      Ive tried all the rogue routines. and i find them all to be decent, some are good at times, but usually not. but i really like Your routine, but i have some suggestions.
      1: no, marked for Death is NOT better then anticipation. maybe is says so on shadowcraft, but realisticly in a raid environment you get so much wasted combo Points if you Marked for Death talent. (not a single sub rogue uses MFD in hc/mythic, srsly)
      2: Your routine is not optimized for anticipation talent. it "Wastes" all the combo Points as soon as you get over 5 combo Points straight away.
      3: it keeps vanishing - ambush on target dummies, even when i have "enable the use of vanish offensivly on bosses" off. there needs to be an option that it will never use vanish. so its easy for ppl to test it on dummies. (it ruines the dps meter when it vanishes)
      4: Energy pooling - either a button. or an option that the bot does it for you, before cooldowns and vanishes.
      5: When to Aoe option. depending on how many mobs you have around you etc.
      6: it refreshes 5 combo Points Slice and dice during shadow reflection and shadow Dance witch is a HUGE dps loss. especially during shadow reflection. , the routine need to prepare better for the cooldowns

      this beats the other rogue routines right now on dps, thats why i really want this to be even better :D
      Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    8. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      Oh thats a Honorbuddy setting I'm not doing anything regarding gear.
    9. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      1: Thats because theyre not bots, but I agree sortof. (Its really hard to track Honor among thieves ICD)
      2. I'll look into it, you mean you want to pool more CP to dump with PPM & such?
      3. For Sub it always does it due to the fact that Vanishing is an intregral part of Subdps.. You could just /reset your meter and view the parses and merge them. Otherwise im gonna have people come in here and complain on subdps.
      4. I'll think about it, might add. Works just like feint key anyway so easy to add.
      5. Not a superfan about the idea tbh.
      6. I'll forbid SnD refresh during SR/Dance. Thanks for the feedback m8!

      Yes, Im not content with just being the best routine, whatever feedback you might have (anyone) feel free to add, sending me a PM works even better!
    10. jeanclaude

      jeanclaude New Member

      Feb 19, 2015
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      marevbo is spot on, I was about to PM the same problems. For Anticipation, sometimes its better to hold them instead of evis spamming during dance to get more ambush casts and then dump double evis or whatever outside of dance/vanish and using that 1 extra ambush can extend FW time.
    11. zhadowmarkuz

      zhadowmarkuz New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      2 bugs. It doesn't keep the hemo veiny glyph thing active all the time, which I believe it should? And, the overlay tends to dissapear. So you will have to spam "Toggle in game overlay" button a few times for it to re appear.
    12. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      On Kromog, it doesn't do the aoe properly, falls behind other Sub rogues by 6-8k dps, mainly due to AoE part.

      [10:56:38.284 N] AoE Mode Enabled
      [10:56:38.667 N] Casting: Fan of Knives on Grasping Earth with 120 energy 65416 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:39.686 N] Casting: Slice and Dice on Grasping Earth with 97 energy 66434 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:40.714 N] Casting: Fan of Knives on Grasping Earth with 116 energy 67463 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:41.763 N] Casting: Eviscerate on Grasping Earth with 95 energy 68512 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:42.792 N] Casting: Fan of Knives on Grasping Earth with 106 energy 69541 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:43.825 N] Casting: Eviscerate on Grasping Earth with 82 energy 70574 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:44.875 N] Casting: Fan of Knives on Grasping Earth with 93 energy 71622 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:45.901 N] Casting: Crimson Tempest on Grasping Earth with 70 energy 72649 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:46.906 N] Casting: Fan of Knives on Grasping Earth with 79 energy 73654 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:47.900 N] Casting: Eviscerate on Grasping Earth with 57 energy 74648 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:48.904 N] Casting: Fan of Knives on Grasping Earth with 67 energy 75652 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:49.910 N] Casting: Eviscerate on Grasping Earth with 43 energy 76657 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:50.958 N] Casting: Hemorrhage on Grasping Earth with 55 energy 77706 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:52.012 N] Casting: Backstab on Grasping Earth with 35 energy 78760 ms into the fight. With 2 CP.
      [10:56:55.474 N] Casting: Rupture on Grasping Earth with 57 energy 82222 ms into the fight. With 5 CP.
      [10:56:56.467 N] Casting: Hemorrhage on Grasping Earth with 76 energy 83215 ms into the fight. With 0 CP.
      [10:56:57.517 N] Casting: Backstab on Grasping Earth with 58 energy 84266 ms into the fight. With 2 CP.

      Sub rogue in guild, only does FoK and CT spam during those and gets crazy damage.
    13. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      Yeah I guess I can do a sub meter-pad mode. That ignores targetdamage. Or i can just add an exception on Grasping Earths i suppose.
      The reasons it evis'es is becuase Boss-damage matters. (Thats obviously not the case on Kromog, atleast during runes).
      Take a situation like beastlord, You can cleave with FOK/CT on beasts but its a waste of bossdamage. Cleave exists all around. And all you're doing is eating passive cleave from somebody else resulting in less overall raiddps.

      But i'll implement a exception that wont evis if your target is Grasping Earth and instead prioritizes CT.

      The previous changes i've mentioned are all under testing but I've been a bit busy lately. All I can say is that i'll be done this week.

      Also the overlay thing somebody else mentioned, provide a log. I've never ever heard of something like that. Do you play window fullscreen?
    14. moerrts

      moerrts New Member

      May 13, 2013
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      can this be used for pvp?
    15. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Cheers Speks, we had few problems with getting out of the runes due to missing couple boomies thus the CT spam would have helped. Single Target damage is still boss, thanks for the work you're putting in!
    16. Kmica

      Kmica Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      Afaik using Shadow Dance before Shadow Reflection is a dps loss, and i think i noticed in raid yday that the routine is doing that.

      Shadow Dance should be casted AFTER Shadow Reflection. Isnt it?
    17. Chaser

      Chaser Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Kmica, in theory Dance itself isn't a loss or gain for dps. Dance gives you stealth stance and cheaper Ambush (60 → 40 energy). You get raw damage and calculated dps from many Ambushes + Eviscerates into FW not from Dance :)

      Your Reflection doesn't need any stance or resource -- it will memorize and use all your spells ignoring what exactly allowed you to fire these spells.

      You pair Dance + Reflection because Dance is your best cooldown and can be synced with every Reflection. Dance lasts 10 sec and Reflection memorizes spells for 8 sec.

      HB need some short time to recognize stealth stance on character. So for HB routine is better to use Dance a bit earlier at the very GCD end (both Dance and Reflection are off GCD) + use Reflection (a super short time needed to spawn reflection pet). This helps to get stealth stance by GCD ready and fire Ambush memorized by Reflection.
      Those ~200 ms of "lost" Dance and Reflection mean nothing because your GCD lasts much longer and moreover energy starvation doesn't allow you to spam Ambushes → Evis spells on every GCD ready.

      But for Assa Reflection → Vendetta is used because your Reflection benefits from its own Vendetta only (not yours). So you want to allow the pet memorize and use Vendetta.
      Also HB doesn't need to recognize anything regarding to Vendetta because it's server side :) For Assa routine: Reflection at very GCD end → Vendetta on GCD ready → do best damage.
      Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
    18. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Is this going to be updated at all, been about a month since last update, seems like the developer just ditched the support for this.
    19. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      Certainly! The things i mentioned earlier are already completed and in beta, I just dont wanna to release something utterly broken (like another rogue CR did) So proceeding with caution due to lots of core changes.
      (Plenty of people with 98-99% percentles) so dont wanna mess stuff up for them. But im basically testing everything by myselves so takes time.
      Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
    20. Speks

      Speks Community Developer

      Jan 20, 2015
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      1. Shadowmeld works fine in a Raiding scenario. Dummies not as much since I use my combat timer as an argument.
      2. Fixed thanks for feedback!
      3. Fixed thanks for the feedback!
      4. Theres actually a point to this. There's a "worse" hemo fallback that'll refresh at a higher plateu. But there is no (raiding) boss in this expansions where you cant get into position quickly enough. I'm not gonna force hemos for people to be behind the boss / stepping 0.1 second later.
      5. There's a proper hitbox calculation, FoK is decided by # of enemies and aoe on/off.
      6. I've never dropped rupture in a scenario like that and i have 1600 multistrike. You're not providing a log, and it would only really be viable if it was a WCL, since I assume your uptime is lackluster.

      Great feedback tho, disregarding the fact you're using a pirated version of honorbuddy and your routines.

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