thanks for your feedback, i'm trying to achieve 100% afk-capability tho i'm alreadyworking on vendors including repair, it's a pain tho
update time new serversided NODES and BLACKSPOTS have been deployed, your plugins might crit-error within the next 5 minutes (shouldnt happen tho) the new blackspots should further increase afk-ability hope you like it
Works perfect, but needs vendor support - i come home to all red items and it keeps trying to gather while red - i have vendor mount, anyway i can use this?
Is there a trial option? Would like to give it an hour or two run before buying, if possible. EDIT: My apologies, I was not logged into BuddyStore ( running the trial )
working hard on vendor support quite hard already. vendor mount is something i can add as well; will keep you informed
Can you add support for druid travel form? This plugin clashes with the AlwaysDruid plugin. I did not notice it on the timber plugin or the plugin for gb2.
Getting a problem when I try and use the Grind Bot version anywhere but in WoD zones. In WoD it runs around fine. But in some place like MoP or Wrath the bot will do no more then fly off for about 5 seconds and then just stop and spam stuff like this: [19:35:10.713 N] theTramper gather | navigator unable to move from <4746.682, 995.6652, 161.7704> to <6666.66, 1065.173, 279.391> [19:35:10.714 N] theTramper gather | removed instruction set e576691c-4ab0-4c30-8528-ce8d947b4903 Here is the log: View attachment 7348 2015-03-25 12.34.txt
Hello! I got a problem with theTramper. The plugin says "Error! Unable to find and activate plugin theTramper gather" The 2 plugins (TheTramper and TheTramper Gather) are activated on the store, and this is a new installation of honorbuddy. I got a simple profile on thetramper. Here are the logs and the profile, i never changed the honorbuddy settings.
And you couldnt be bothered enough to have that in the grind bots describtion instead of just version 1 (available here) is based on Gatherbuddy2 and is limited to GB2 functionality version2 (this one) is based on Grindbot and features a wider range of functionality like Timber farming Obviously version 2 seems better, but if it doesnt work any other place but wod contect .... waste of money.
Now I bought the gather version aswell cus fuck everything and it says "theTramper gather | you can not start honorbuddy until this Plugin is initialized" waht to do
version 2 isnt better, it's just designed especially for wod - however, this does not mean it doesnt work for pre wod content. (if you encounter a bug in pre wod zones please let me know) the grindbot based version was neccesary because Gatherbuddy isnt able to harvest timber. please follow the thread rules. submit a log on each bug report
update status of patch 6.1.2 i've just pushed new nodes and blackspot to the generation servers - this should further improve nph and stuck behavior tests for this patch are still in progress and updates will be shipped if needed
update time! Fork: Grindbot Version: 3.2.6 Changelog: Code: improvements for 6.1.2 greatly improved navigation and gathering in pre-wod maps and areas reduced cpu usage in pre wod maps and areas
Hi robot is there way to make tramper change bots? or does it automatically detect in the profile, wanting it to switch from grind to fishing to trampergatherbuddy and so forth???
hi, i think you're talking about theTramper and not "theTramper: gather", however, yes theTramper changes botbases automaticly depending on each task
Hi Robot, Just wanted to clarify what i was trying to achieve. I want to use tramper to switch to FishingMaster bot which does not need profiles for fishing to Tramper:gather, i just can't work out what task i put into tramper to make it switch to the Fishingmaster bot.
Latest HB update from recent patch Tramper plug-in keeps turning off Loot Mobs setting and is leaving behind the Pods that spawn when looting herbs with out looting them thats a stack of herb by itself everytime.