Hi, I was just wondering what to put the "ticks per second" on I have a good setup with the latest extreme cpu and sli 780 ti's Currently mine is on 100 and I have a 70-150 fps depending on location and boss etc - I want to have best possible performance when raiding Any ideas?
Anything over 30 isn't really going to be noticeable to you for raiding. 20 is fine as well. Given that you're only able to perform an action every 1-1.5second for attacks and anything you react to gives you time to do so ... doing 100-150 ticks for that one action is overkill. Just my opinion. I did some testing and found DPS difference from 20-30 slightly noticeable over a long time, going from 30 to 45 I couldn't see any DPS improvement. The only thing you're going to maybe get is a slight bit more survivability in casting cooldowns/heals if you get really low. And if you always instantly react to that you're setting off a flag for being a bot anyway (I actually turn all CDs and heals off in my bot and run those manually).