well i was going to use IB with my low level healer but the auto equip doesnt have a pally setting for healing so it just keeeps on needing and greeding the wrong stuff is there something i can do or am i missing someting
You can create your own profile or if all else fails simply edit the mage profile to reflect your holy pala needs and load the mage profile. The profiles can be found in the respective subfolder: HB2\Plugins\AutoEquip\Weight Sets\
Something like this would probably work.. (Just pulled some numbers out of my head based on playing my Paladin a bit, so it may not be perfect but it'd be a decent starting point.. Paladin-Holy.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WeightSet Class="Paladin" Spec="Holy"> <Armor>1</Armor> <Stamina>5</Stamina> <Intellect>10</Intellect> <Spirit>8</Spirit> <SpellPower>10</SpellPower> <CriticalStrikeRatingSpell>8</CriticalStrikeRatingSpell> <CriticalStrikeRating>8</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRatingSpell>8</HasteRatingSpell> <HasteRating>8</HasteRating> <MetaSocket>15</MetaSocket> <RedSocket>6</RedSocket> <YellowSocket>5</YellowSocket> <BlueSocket>5</BlueSocket> </WeightSet>
Instancebuddy uses its own weight scales and it has one for every spec. Provide a log on buddytracker so i can investigate further
ya i made my own but it still wants a 2h more than a 1H and sheild is there a way to fix that?do i have to change something in IB?