Serious question guys, apparently (or at least lots of people assume) that the main reason for Blizz banning more than usual right now is the implementation of the token. But then again they ban almost solely people who have zero to do with gold/farming/economy, people who are only using CRs, garrisonbuddy and such... people that have no relation to gold, the token or economy in general. They let all the hardcore farmers, the people selling gold, controlling the whole economy on some servers... they just let them go on. LOL? Is Blizzard really that stupid? Banning people who only use HB for personal things and not for economy reasons, and who will most likely not come back when they are banned. But they keep all the gold sellers and hardcore farmers in game I cant wait to read the reactions on the BattleNet forums when people start to realize that the "huge banwave" was NOT about the real farmers, but only about botters where people most likely didn't even realize they were botting at all... LMAO, seriously Blizzard, that was a major fail. Once more. Whats your opinion about this? I'm not talking about the bans in general, but WHO they ban. Maybe we should all start hardcore farming and selling gold, because then we won't get a ban?
Even after your concerns have ground, I dodge to see where this "huge banwave"is? Not in WoW at least.
Sell gold, use bot to raid for ya, or grind w/e, still forbidden. Reason of bans not what you bot, reason is breaking rules.
It was a "ban tornado" not a ban wave. It was not a tsunami that banned everything in its path. It was an individual process, largely random imo, that hit some people but not others. Which is smart, really -- if there is no common denominator that we can precisely identify, then we don't know what hole to close. I had 5 botted accounts -- mild botting, just CRs, questing, fishing, etc. no goldfarming, auctions or battlegrounds -- and 3 of those accounts were online in the same dungeon at the time of tripwire. Only one of those accounts got banned. That is either completely random, or selective based on some criteria that we will likely never know. Here's a legal point (ianal): if you have a contract with certain provisions, and you never enforce those provisions, such as a prohibition against botting, then at some point you lose the power to enforce them. The courts say, why are you complaining now when you never took action before? Blizzard has to be seen trying to control botting, even though it may be an impossible task. And let's face it, you can have an account banned for "exploitation of game mechanics" even if you NEVER used a bot, because it's Blizzard's word against yours and you have zero power to contradict them. You can't prove you didn't, and they don't have to prove you did. I don't care why one out of 5 accounts got banned. If I could figure out why, I'd be a much smarter botter. But I don't have to be that smart, I just have to not care about the outcome. Blizzard will make a few extra dollars as I pay for a couple more accounts I can afford to lose, but HB will always be part of my game play in this particular game.
There was a big qq thread posted about pvp crs that a blue responded to, so crs are on the radar because of pvp abuse is my opinion.
Well, this is another one of those threads that go off the speculation that all of the people banned when they said they never did anything except a "minor" thing. Going into LFR with Enyo and the default CR settings can be dangerous for getting reported. People seem to forget all of that.
for as long as i can remember HB users have claimed using a CR with Enyo was 99.9% safe. Blizzard just gave us a big 'FUCK YOU, We can ban anyone we want!' deal with it. It wasnt a banwave, it wasnt something to be dissected and pondered upon, it was just Blizzard flashing us their dick. go about your business, nothing to see here
Blizz is very smart, you just donĀ“t see it Who will buy tokens with golds? Botters that have tons of golds will pay for their accounts purely by tokens. Who will buy tokens with real money? Casual players. And since token cost more than 1 month of sub, Blizz need sell more tokens = tokens must be sold fast. What kind of botters have zero effect on tokens? CR botters... ban them and show "XY banned accounts" as usually.