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  • Bloodsail Buccaneers Phased Rep Grind

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by KenLeeZA, Feb 3, 2015.

    1. KenLeeZA

      KenLeeZA New Member

      Oct 11, 2012
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      Heya Peeps,

      want to know if it is possible to farm Bloodsail rep during the phased portion of the link -->: Bloodsail Buccaneers - Faction - World of Warcraft

      and if so could someone be so kind as to create a grinding profile for me, it will need to do the following:

      i would like to request a profile that will start to the following spot: 41.34 72.80.

      and move from that spot down to where Fin Fizracket is and then to where the Auction House is then to the enterance of the inn, up through the stairs and multi floors and end back at 41.34 72.80.

      the profile will need to farm the following mobs:

      Baron Revilgaz MobID - 2496
      Deeg MobID - 2488
      Kebok MobID - 737
      Fleet Master Seahorn MobID - 2487
      "Sea Wolf" MacKinley MobID - 2501
      "Shaky" Phillipe MobID - 2502
      Fin Fizracket MobID - 2486
      Flora Silverwind MobID - 908
      Jutak MobID - 2843
      Crank Fizzlebub MobID - 2498
      Nixxrax Fillamug MobID - 2832
      Whiskey Slim MobID - 2491
      Catelyn the Blade MobID - 2542
      Ian Strom <Rogue Trainer> MobID - 1411
      Viznik Goldgrubber MobID - 2625
      Rickle Goldgrubber MobID - 8123
      Privateer Bloads MobID - 2494

      If possible please set it to ignore the following:

      Booty Bay Bruisers MobID - 43760
      Brashtide Raider MobID - 43716

      if this is possible it will be the easiest way to farm the Bloodsail rep.

      any help would be greatly appreciated!
    2. Rabbit112

      Rabbit112 Community Developer

      Jan 22, 2015
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      I think you'd just need a hotspot for each side of booty bay if you set the collection distance high enough, not sure if it would just be easier to use a factionId (assuming goblins are separate from BB) instead of putting in that many MobIds either. If you started it in there you could just do it with an InteractWith and have the TerminateWhen be GetFactionReputation(1137) > 21k. Also you didn't link the questid, and I saw this comment there:

      So someone would have to test it now I imagine as opposed to the other grind spots.
    3. Alexeilol

      Alexeilol New Member

      Jun 26, 2013
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