I bought a dell server: 1. 32 cores 2. 4 1tb SSD drives 3. 160GB of RAM. I installed the Hyperv 3.0 services. I created 6 VM's from that and dedicated the server's resources to them evenly (as much as i could). I bot 10 wow accounts per VM. Of the 60 accounts i own i have 3 mules per server that will list and bank items. I rotate my characters on a varying 3-9 hour cycle 7 days per week (randomizing). I make between 600,000g and 1.4 million gold per week (this can vary greatly and what i listed is a ballpark average). this whole setup runs at top performance with out fail, automatically. I bot on both US and EU. When accounts get banned they are easily replaced with cheap level 100 accounts i buy. If i can get one account to make a minimum of 200,000 gold, it will be paid for. So for those that say selling gold is dead, think again. You just need the resources, know-how and patience to make it viable.
do you have any previous experience in botting to start such a project? 60 accounts 3-9 hours per day (medium 6) is 360 bothours per day. 2520 BotHours/week. expected income 600k means 238 gold/hour/char. to get to your 200k that you need for replacing 1 banned account, the banned account has to run 840 hours (200k/238 gph) you run them 6 hour shifts (3-9 hours). 840/6 = 140 days. what do i miss?
I've been wondering this for awhile, now isn't it possible to rent a server or a part of a server that is dedicated to you, and someone else owns it, but you have access to it, could you install and bot WoW?
I've been wondering too, but u can't get enough resources to run 5 bots on a low config server. he bought a high performance server, this can be a 4000$ investment, his bid is refunded in something like 2 months or less. Thank you for sharing this story, maybe i'll make the same thing soon. Do you use more than 1 ip on your server? i would make 1ip per VM. and GRATZ!
This is just some idiot theorycrafting and making a troll post. I was going to make a long post explaining why and how this is a bad idea, but I just cba helping idiots out that come here trolling. But please, do go ahead and buy your dell server for €7000. There are basically five different kinds of botters: 1. Casual botters that just earn some extra gold for their toon or farm a reputation they want. 2. Casual botters that went to the next level, they create a 5-man team and farm dungeons to obtain a massive amount of gold for their main character. 3. Botters that own 5-40 accounts and sell their gold either privately or to retailing companies. 4. Botters that earn enough money so that the IRS gets interested, they start a company and usually have 10+ computers and 60+ bots. 5. This is the top layer, these guys have the entire setup completely automated. They press one button and it creates BNET > Uses stolen CC to buy lvl 100 boost > Starts Farming > Take the chargeback/ban after 2-4 days > profit. These guys are usually exclusively located between the middle east and Japan. If you want to get into this business legitimately, I suggest you skip botting and just go for Buying gold cheap > selling expensive. However if you are in the EU you are going to have a really hard time explaining to the IRS why you should only pay VAT on your profit. Think about it, how many companies buy merchandise from "natural person" in another country...If you buy from a company in the EU you can deduct the VAT on the purchasing price, and companies that buy from china or other places usually have an insane markup (usually 1000% on the product). Just go to Alibaba and check the purchasing price for like a 3G modem, its usually around €5 per modem - Price in your store in your city = €50 = 1000% markup. Try 1000% markup with gold and people will laugh at you. What I'm trying to say, when you factor in taxation this botting game takes a turn for the worse and fast. You might be able to get away with it if you live in the eastern EU though But here in Sweden the IRS is a fierce monster not to be messed with if you're not in BiS gear. But once again, the creator of this thread is just trolling.
Thumbs up! The first real answer here. For the record - being in BiS gear, could mean to register company in offshore zone and operate the business with it. Since then, your touch with your local IRS should be marginal!
Indeed, but if you haven't done that before or closely know someone who has. You'll notice that its not as easy as it sounds Though as usual, money solves every problem. Be prepared to splash 20,000€ to get it set up though. And for this business you really cant even be in the EU, because the VAT will eat you up. Your only option is either Hong kong or Malaysia, there might be more but these two are amongst the best.