Looking to start farming me some PVP gear. I was wondering what the best way to get honor/conquest points is? What are the best BGs to join? Anyone AFK any BGs? (I can't imagine anyone would...) -Q Edit: Icon. xP
Don't use BGBuddy as its not that safe... Best bet is, do random bgs by yourself and get into arenas as soon as possible to start farming your cap. Ashran is also a good option since you can turn your fragments into items... Use enyo
I afk'd BG's for 19hrs the past 3 days lol with a melee dps BGFarmer > BGBuddy but yeah just did randoms told it to buy hypnotic Dust with honor, and farm conquest id check on it swap characters raid but overnight and during work itd be in BGs Ashran is best, like mariola said use Enyo though UlitmateAshran is ok I think maybe idk left overnight and it pretty much just sat in que spot lol
As some guys have already mentioned - Ashran is the key for your achieve! Either manually with Enyo, or fully botted with BgFarmer, Ultimate Ashran, both are good, but from my 1-day experience with Ultimate Ashran, it was doind its job ultimately indeed (Tested it just before the Conq nerf, so cannot say for after)
Ashran is by far the absolute fastest way to get the 620 ilvl blue pvp gear. Can be fully geared in under an hour if you know what you're doing. After that 2v2 for your CQ Cap. Then rinse and repeat on whatever alts you may want to gear.