[Hce]Higher Learning Achievement ● Information → This profile will run through Dalaran searching for books. → Start the profile in Dalaran → Profile will dismount you and not use any mount → Profile will terminate once you have read the correct books. → Higher Learning Achievement → Pet as reward, profile does not open your mail once completed. ● Extra information → Each of these books spawn on different locations and have a 3-4 hour respawn time → Is there's a book spawning that does not mean it will be the correct one. ● Found a bug or stuck? → Tell me what is going wrong. → If you are not sure what information I need, just post your log. ● Thread rules The Support thread for a Buddy Store product is meant for: Feature requests Constructive criticism with specific details Bug reports with a log attached Ref: [Guide] How to attach your log Any thing else in a Buddy Store product Support thread is considered 'off topic' and may be deleted. Examples include, but are not limited to: Price discussions Comparisons to other products Theory crafting General chit-chat etc We ask that you please refrain from creating off-topic posts in Support threads. Product can be found here!
[HceTiG0L]: Checking for: The Schools of Arcane Magic - Transmutation. [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump [Singular] *Slow Fall on Me @ 100.0% [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft, JumpAscend [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight, JumpAscend [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeLeft, JumpAscend [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump [InteractWith-v1997(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeRight, JumpAscend Keeps running into the dalaran sewers or just generally running into walls. Will give you a day or two to fix before I request refund. Cheers
Please post me a full log and no snippet please, I ran this profile for 72 hours+ without any problems like running into walls as you described, there are also a few dozen buyers who did not have this issue, so a log would be needed. In that case I ask you to refund if you have no patience, without the log I cannot check/fix this right now and the next two days I'll be in the hospital for my Hearth.
I'll post a full log in that case. I just thought it was straight up broken. HB is down right now so I'll post a log when it's up next. Cheers