wtf where is wyvern?? i can't use it .... and idk how to set it to use it only on heal.... help pls :SS GS Hunter 2.13.0 is the newest or??
Is it just me or is the cr no longer using counter shot to stop cc and next heal? It also doesn't use the explosive trap to stop cc anymore for me.
I have the auto-target option disabled but its still auto targetting. Only seems to do this with Enyo.
Check your "Tier 2 Talent" settings and "Crowd Control Options" or if you wish to use it manually use one of the hotkeys
Have you tried using a fresh HB installation already? I've never heard of auto targeting being an issue before
How does this perform in PvE when compared to the likes of Tuanha, I'm playing Hunter now and have used Gladsuite for other classes in PvP so I trust the routines. I understand they are not made for PvE but would like try it out in PvE if it performs well.
They are not designed for pve so they won't perform a max dps rotation. Just use the trial and see for yourself?
I've done some extensive testing today on target dummies. When I set my "Auto Burst (Target HP <) to 100 (since it's a target dummy) and have TRINKET "checked" it does not start my burst when the trinket procs. I also have it set that he needs to burst at focus fire (5stack frenzy) and this is not working either. The custom spell ID trinket proc is set correctly since I also have the option enabled to AUTO barrage when trinket procs and that works PERFECTLY. I'm not sure if these things are not working cause I'm doing it on a training dummy by any chance, but for me currently this is not working at all ! Anyone care to comment or test themselves and confirm ? Thanks Snookz
Hey could you fix a small problem i've encountered: If I go to trap a druid and then they displacer beast, the cr just fires a trap to try and get the druid and misses EVERY time, can it just cancel trying to trap when druids displacer?
Hey, I purchased this routine back in september 2014 (when it was still done through SVN) and I quit recently after that I just picked up WoW again and wanted to use this routine again, however nowadays it's going through the buddystore, is there any way to retrieve my membership or will I need to pay for this product again? I can provide proof of purchase upon request
Hey, I just purchased this and I have a question. I have done some research and cannot find the answer.. What do I run bot as to Control my character manually doing dps and movement and use bot to just trap, interrupt cc ect...?
How do i stop my hunter from randomly use freezing trap? i dont have enything checked under the CC tab, still it randomly tries to hit my focus target from across the map. This is so frustrating when you try to get a cc cain going on