My honorbuddy gets stuck on Approaching node, it happens randomly I think. Sometimes on mining sometimes on herb, he can rarely farm more than 30min. Tried turning loot mobs off, inactivity timer but no results. Happens on every profile and in all zones I tried. View attachment 5176 2015-04-16 01.12.txt
This is a common issue with the bot itself. If you aren't within melee range of the node, it will sometimes bug out and just ignore it or get stuck. To fix it, you would have to manually click it again. I haven't seen any fixes for this so far.
Ok after re installing both the bot and wow, and taking a closer look I think you are right, but it is not happening "sometimes" it happens every 10-20 min. Is there really nothing that can be done? Like somehow decrease the gathering range or idk? Before wod I was able to gather for hours with no problem, and I still see that people do it, so is it maybe something in my settings?